Page 242 - Make Up Your English
P. 242

[U       E, Mrs Jackson       Jane if what  she said is  H should apply  a green concealer.
                  all she                                    I  you'll darken the point of it.
      12       g  Jane goes on and says that Jenny ............ a  L a green concealer on red spots to hide them.
                  long pointed chin. She     the darker
       M          concealer on the point ofher chin. She
       A                it moving downwards  and outwards.
               ID  Jane says she ............ the part between her
       K          cheekbone andjaw.                          Prima hai completato  la trascrizione  in discorso
                                                             indiretto partendo da un îernpo presente. Prova
       E       fn  Mrs Jackson      Jane what she ............ if  ora a  farlo  partendo da un tempo passato.  La
                  Jenny ............ a square  face.
                  Jane answers  that she                     primafrase è riportata a îitolo di esempio.
               @                            darkened the
       u          sides of her forehead, then her jaw  without  e.g. Mrs Jackson asked Jane if there were only
                        the lower part. In the end, she ............  dark or pale concealers.
       P          a lighter  concealer on the central  part of her
                  forehead and chin.
               IE  Mrs Jackson  says that there ............ one
                  thing you      before anything and
                                                             A tumo pratica il dialogo.
                        Jane if she ............ what it
               lE Jane answers  that she    some base
               ÍE Mrs Jackson  approves
                  and ............ that this is
                                                             Con un compagno prova  a scrivere un dialogo
                  the first thing ............
                                                             inerente Ie prime
                  to protect  the face skin.                                 fasi  del trucco  come se  foste
                                                             truccatore e cliente. Confrontatevi  con I'inse-
                  Then she ............ Jane
                                                             gnante  e i compagni, quindi compilate insieme
                  to go on and show  them
                                                             un unico dialogo  e praticatelo a turno. Provate
                  how she puts make-up
                                                             anche a riscrtverlo  usando il discorso  indiretto.

               Unisci  I'inizio di ciascunafrase  con Ia suafine.  Ora tocca ad Anne continuare la seduta di truc-
                                                             co. Leggi iI dialogo e prova a completarlo con i
               II  There aren't
                                                             verbi al tempo corretto.
               El You apply
               ts A yellow or orange  concealer              MRs JAcKsoN:  Jane, tell your friends what you
               B To make up a triangular  face, you need             B  (to do), please.
               El I wish                                     JlNn: I       E  (to apply)  a base cream and a
               El If your client has got a long pointed  chin  cream foundation to obtain a moderate cover-
               E If your client has got a square  face         aget. I      g (to choose) a matte  finish2
               Gl If she had had a round face                  because  Jenny's skin   H  (to i;e) a bit oily.
               pl  Ifyou wanted to coverred  spots, you      MRs JAcKsoN:  I think that one step ............ g (to
               lE I wish                                       be) missing! Anne, what should she............  Gl
                                                               (to do) before    E  (to applD any founda-
               A I didn't  have such a long chin!              tion?
               B what would you have done?                   aNNE: She should  ............ trl (to correct) imper-
               C you would learn how to use make-up!           fections... If Jenny    El fto  have) some
               D can be applied to cover dark circles.         blemishes, she
               E only dark and pale concealers.                should ............ m
               F to darken the sides of the forehead.          (to cover) them
               G you'll  use a dark concealer on their         using a stick con-
                  cheekbones  andjaw.                          cealer. But Jennv's
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