Page 241 - Make Up Your English
P. 241
Anne told Jane that she ............ an appointment and she ............ in a great hurry.
Jane told Lisa that she ............ very happy to meet her.
Lisa asked Jane if she ............ to do some shopping with her.
Jane told Lisa she buv some tools. if she M
Lisa told her she for her outside the shop. A
A turno pratica
part of her forehead and her chin.
MRs JAcKsox: Wonderful, Jane!
La lezione continua. Jane deve
There's one thing you should do
truccare Jenny. Leggi il dialogo e before anything! Do you know what
prova a completare le frasi pro- it is?
poste con i tempi verbali corretti. JANE: I must apply some base
Fai attenzione! Stiamo parlando di
discorso indiretto, riportato poco
MRs JAcKsox: Right! That's the
dopo la conversazione.
first thing to do to protect the face. Jane, go
MRs JAcKsoN: So Jane, tell me one thing! Are on and show us how you put make-up on!
there only dark or pale concealers?
Jlnn: Well, I don't know... tr, Mrs Jackson asks Jane if there ............ only
MRs JAcKsoN: Anne, explain to us what kind of dark and pale concealers.
concealers you would use to cover dark circles' Jane answers that she
and red spots. Would you use the same one? ' Mrs Jackson asks Anne about the kind of
aNNE: I would use a green concealer for red concealers she ............ to cover dark circles
spots, while I would use a yellow or orange and red spots.
concealer to cover dark circles... " Anne answers that she ............a green
MRs JAcKsoN: Jane, please, go on. Tell me how concealer for red spots and a yellow or
you would do Jenny's make-up. orange one to cover dark circles.
ylxn: Jenny has a triangular face... If I had to : .' Mrs Jackson Jane to go on and to
explain how she Jenny up.
do Jenny's make-up, I d use a darker stick con- i'r Jane explains that Jenny
cealer on both sides of her forehead moving a triangular
along both the sides of her face. I would avoid2 ;,' If Jane
the lower part... do Jenny's make-up, she
a darker stick concealer on both
MRs JAcKsox: Is that all?
sides of her forehead. She ............ along both
Jlnn: No, it isn't. She's got a long pointeds chin, sides of her face and she
so I would also use the darker concealer on the lower
part of it.
the point of her chin. moving downwardsr and
outwardss... Then I would lighten6 both areas LANGUAGE FOUNDATION
between her cheekbone and jaw. To ask traduce l'italiano chíeilere. Il verbo fo ask
MRs JAcKsox: OK, excellent, Jane! What would appartiene in ingtese a quei verbi che sono solita-
you have done if she had had a square face? mente seguiti da una preposizione. Traducendo il
verbo in italiano, tale preposizione può non essere
.lnrr: If her face had been square, I would have usata o essere diversa tla quetla ingtese. Per quanto
darkenedT the sides of her forehead... Then I
riguarda to ask, esso può essere seguito da for o
would have used the darker concealer on her da about. To ask for significa chiedere qualcosa a
cheekbones and jaw, without touching the low- qualcuno, mentre to ask about significa chiedere
er part. Then I would have lightened the central informazioni a qualcuno in merito a quatcosa.