Page 243 - Make Up Your English
P. 243

complexion  lll  (to be) uniform. That's                                                  Ettr
        why Jane...
                                                    Ora tocca a Lisa continuare la seduta  di trucco.
      MRs JAcKsoN: Please,  Anne, don't take Jane's  Leggi il dialogo e inserisci  le parole mancanîi  12
        side! Jane, thank you.    lE  (to go) back  sc e gliendo tra quelle  s e guenti : all  love  blend
        and sit down. Anne, come here,  please. What  -  colours  preferences  -  cool  -  tomorrow -  M
              IE  (to do) now?                      could   evening  -  too  -  eyes  -  like  -  green  -  A
      aNNE: Now I will use a darker stick concealer  on  lower  -  mobile  -  base  natural  -  Iady  -  next
        both sides of her forehead and on both sides of  border  -  tones  -  left.                 K
        her face,     lE  (to avoid) the lower part'..  -                                           E
        Then I      lE  (to  darken) her chin, moving  MRs  JACKsott:  Lisa, once the base make-up is
        outwards and downwards.  In the end, I ............  done,  what is ............ il?
        lE  (to apply) a paler concealer between her  r.rsl: We must choose  the colours  for ..........'. El  u
        cheekbone andjaw.                             and mouth.
      MRs JAcKsox:  Perfect, Anne.      IE  (to do)  MRs JAcKsox: What         EI would  You  use   P
        it! Then go on...                             for a green-eyedl  model like JennY?
      ANNE: Once I       fE  (to balance) the volume  r.rsn: If I had to apply make-up  a .'...'...... n with
        and shape of the face. I     tp  (to apply)          Ft eyes, I'd use shades of  PurPle  and
        some transparent  face powder with a matte3   pink because  they contrast  with the iris2 colour
        finishing.                                    and emphasise it... For instance, rose, lilac,
      MRs JAcKsox:  Why         @  (to aPPIY) some    together with taupe3  and browns.  Also choco-
        face powder?                                  late tones and coppe/  or gold could be good
       aNNE: L...........  m  (to appl9 it to fix the base  choices.  No silvet',  and no   Str colours! I
                                                      would use brown eyeliner  and mascara'
       MRs JAcKsox:  Good,  Jane.  Do it, then go back  MRs JAcKsox:  OK. V/hat  about cheeks and lips?
        and............  &  (to sit) down'           r-rsl: I would use apricotsó  or peachy'  """"""  n
                                                       for blushers...  With the lips, I  '........"'  EI red
                                                       shades. . . First I would line them with a lip liner
                                                       and then  apply a lipstick of the same  colour"  '
                                                     MRs JAcKsox:  If your client  doesn't ........'"' El
       Decidi  se le seguenti affermazioni  sono vere (T)  red lipsticks, what would  You  do?
       o  false  (F). Correggi  quelle  false.       r,rsl: I would  draw the .".'.."... @ and then colour
       lI  Jane hasn't applied  any base cream îi   .E  ............  in the lips with a lip liner in a shade  as
       El Jane  has chosen  a sheer coverage  ft) tj   ............ m  as possible. Then I would  apply some
       El The foundation  Provides  an                 transparent lip gloss or a matte lipstick  in the
          illuminating  finish            îj   Gt      same shade depending  on my client's  """"""  m'
       Et  Jane  has corrected  all the              MRs JAcKson:  What other options could you
          imperfections  on JennY's face  0fi          consider?
       El  There  are many blemishes on              r,rsl: I     IE decide not to line the lips and
          Jenny's  face                    $ry         instead apply  a cherrf-coloured  lip gloss'
       [t  Jenny's  comPlexion  is uniform  ffi  $;  MRs JAcKson:  That's a good choice. And what
       El Anne would darken the sides of   (8          about an       F  look?
          Jenny's  forehead and her chin       $i     r.rsl: A special look... Let me think.  "
       EI Anne would lighten both areas               llnn: What would  you think of smoky dark pur-
          between Jenny's  cheekbone and  jaw  @ \t    ple eyes? I would use a very natural colour as
       Et Anne wouldn t apply  any face powder  (U  Ìll.l  a ............  lE, then I would apply dark iridiscent

        tr&  You apply  some face  Powder   to  a;\    purple on the       iE eyelid and I would
          balance volume and shaPes        Î   !Fi

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