Page 73 - Make Up Your English
P. 73

LANGUAGE FOUNDATION                                                                        tu

       Il termine weatlrer indica it tempo atmosferico.
       It termine hme traduce,  invece, il tempo inteso  Completa le  frasi   con l'aggettívo  appropriato,  m5
       come peiodo, epxa,  durata, momento od, ora, ora-  scegliendolo  tra quelli seguenti:  snowy  rainy
       río. Traduce  anche il termine  voltc (freguenza).  Il  -  icy  - foggy -  cloudy  -  sunny  -  windy  -  cold
       tempo  inteso  come  tempo  verbale (grammaticate)  è  -  hot.                              M
       tradotto con fense.                                                                         A
       e.g. The weather is awfut  totlay. (09gi il tempo è  5i It is raining  a lot. It is ............  .
          or:ibile).                                r'l There's a lot of fog. It's very ............  .  K
          It's time to go. (È tempo/ora  di andare) A strong wind is blowing. It's very
          $Ihat's the time,  please? (Che  ore sono,  per fa-                                      E
                                                    tfr There  are many  clouds in the sky. It's ............  .
          Peter goes  to the gym three times a week.  (Peter  à,* The sun is shining. It's ............  .
          va in palestra tre volte la settimana)    {,.} The temperature  is very low. It's very ............  .  u
          Do you know the difference between  the present  #d There's snow. It's
          simple tense and the past simple tense? (Conosci  L$ The temperature  is higher than 30 "C. It's  P
          la differenza tra il tempo  presente  e il tempo
          passato  remoto?)
                                                       There is ice on the road and the temperature
                                                       is below  zero. It's

         On the Phone

         Anne chiama la sua amica Carol. Ha un problema  da risolvere.

         Ascolta la telefonata  tra Anne e Carol e rispondi  alle
         seguenti domande.
         ffi Come si presenta  Anne a Carol? E Carol come
         &$ Che problema  ha Anne?
         *3 Cosa  succede il sabato successivo?
         *  Perché Jane non può aiutare Anne?
         &E Cosa consiglia Carol ad Anne?

         aNNE: Hallo, this is Anne.
         cARoL:  Hallo, Anne. Carol speaking.
         ANNE: Hallo, Carol. How are you?
         cARoL:  Fine, thanks.  And you?
         ANNE: Fine...  but I have a problem.  I need a manicure
           because on Saturday it is my cousin's wedding party. My beauty  therapist  is on holiday and
           Jane can't help me. She isn't working  these days! My hands  are terribler. I am so sadz!
         cARoL:  Don't worry, Anne. You can call'] mine,  Miss Caroline, and fix an appointmenta at her
           beauty centre.  She is very good and specialised in nails. I go there every
           two weeks and I am very satisfied.
         ANNE: Great! What's her telephone number?
         cARoL:  It's 684 359 02I. She applies make-up  very well too.
         ANNE: Good  idea: one appointment, two treatments. Thank you very
           much, my friend.
         cARoL:  You're welcome.
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