Page 76 - Make Up Your English
P. 76
L'espressione by my watch significa aI mio orologio.
Leggi il dialogo e identifica le sÍrutture e le parîi Di seguito sono riportate atcune espressioni che
ffiffi difrase che hanno connessioni con I'ora o con i possono essere utili in situazioni inerenti lbra.
complementi di tempo. e.g. It's five otlock sharp by my watch. (Sono le 5
M esatte al mio orologio/Il mio orologio fa le 5
A ANNE: Hallo, Mum, I'm home! esatte)
rtuu: Hi, Anne! You're back at lastll It's late. My watch is right. (Il mio orologio è giusto)
K ANNE: I know. I had: so much to study this after- My watch is wrong. (Il mio orologio non segna
noon after school... What's the time? lbra esatta)
E My watch is five minutes slow. (Il mio orologio
uun: It's eight o'clock by my watch. è cinque minuti indietro)
ANNE: Oh, I'm very tired now but I'd liker to My watch is five minutes fast. (Il mio orotogio
u watch a good film. Do you know what's on è cinque minuti avanti)
TV tonight? È bene ricordare che per affermare che si è in an-
P uurrl: Your favourite TV series is on at 8.45. ticipo, puntuali/in orario o in ritardo, anche in
inglese si ricorre at verbo essere (to be), vate a dire
don't you remember? alle espressionito be early, to be on time e to be late.
ANNE: Great! What time does it finish? Occorre fare attenzione a non confondere le espres-
*rulr:At 10.50. sioni on time e ín time. La prima traduce puntuale/in
ANNE: Perfect! I'll be in bed by eleven o'clock. orario,la seconda significa. invece, in tempo.
e.g. The train left on time. (Il treno partì in orario)
We got to the station in time to get the first
train. (Arrivammo alla stazione in tempo per
'l àllafine,finàlmente 3 mi piacerebbe prendere il primo treno)
2 ho avuto
To do the washing
To do the washing-uP
Completa le seguenti.frasi usando le espressioni
To drink
del dialogo precedente.
To eat
does she go to the beauty centre? To fàIl asleep
Her appointment is half ............ nine. To finish school/work
If the film finishes 11. I'll be home To fix one's make-up/To
............11,15. touch up one's make-uP
I always go to the library afternoon To get dressed
school. To get home
does the concert start? lt starts To get up early/late
9 p.m. To go to bed
He usually does some jogging ............ the To go to school/work
morning ............ work. To go to the gym
the time, please? 10 o'clock. To have a break
To have a glass of water/coke/juice
To have a shower/a bath
To have a snack
To have breakfast
Traduci in italiano i sesuenti verbi relativi ad
To have lunch/dinner/suPPer
azioni quotidiane.
To lay the table
To apply a face cream/a body lotion To leave the house
To brush one's teeth To make the bed
To comb one's hair To make up/To put on some make-uP
To do one's homework To play sport
To do the cooking To remove one's make-up
To do the ironing To sleep
To do the shopping To study