Page 81 - Make Up Your English
P. 81
lunchtime. Let me see... She's free at half past The appointment is fixed on Tiresday
six. This is your last chance! Can you come? afternoon at 4. She calls because she needs
cARoL: That's perfect. to postpone it to Friday. Brenda is busy on ffiffi
llxB: All right, Carol. See you on Wednesday at Friday, but you can fix her treatment with
half past six for a make-up session with Anne. Anne. She accepts the new conditions. M
cARoL: OK, see you. Bye. Mrs Cook, a new client, calls for an A
appointment for a manicure. It's Tuesday
and she needs an appointment for Saturday K
evening. On Saturday the beauty centre is E
open in the morning only. You try to fix
Still v-otr are Jane at The Red Roses' Beauty Sa- the appointment on Saturday morning. The
lon. Write a dialogtte referring to the described
client is a teacher and goes to work in the u
morning. She asks if it is possible to fix
ù i r r Smith, an old client, has an the appointment on Friday afternoon. You P
appointment for a waxing with Brenda. agree and fix the treatment at 5 P.m.
Numeri cardinali (Cardinal Numbers)
0 nought/zero 16 sixteen 50 fifty
7 0ne 77 seventeen 60 sixty
2 two 18 eighteen 70 seventy
J three 19 nineteen 80 eighty
4 four 2A twenty 90 ninety
t five 27 twenty-one 100 a/one hundred
6 six 2? twenty-two 754 one hundred and fifty-four
7 seven 23 twenty-three 200 two hundred
8 eight 24 twenty-four 1,000 a/one thousand
9 nine 25 twenty-five 2,000 two thousand
10 ten 26 twenty-six 10,000 ten thousand
11 eleven 27 twenty-seven 100,000 a/one hundred thousand
72 twelve ?8 twenty-eight r,000,000 a/one mi[ion
13 thirteen ?9 twenty-nine 2,000,000 two mitlion
74 fourteen 30 thirty x,000,000,000 a/one bittion
15 fifteen 4A forty
Per prima cosa, è bene notare che quando i numeri da2l a 99 sono scritti in lettere, il numero delle
decine si unisce a quello delle unità con un trattino.
e,9. 58 --+ fìfty-eight 99 - ninety-nine
Nel caso delle centinaia, le decine e le unità sono unite a esse mediante la congiunzione and.
e,g. 101 one hundred and one 23'/ - two hundred and thirty-seven
1.002 * one thousand and two 4.612 * four thousand six hundred and twelve
Quando hundred, thousand, million e billion sono preceduti da un numero diverso da uno, rimango-
no invariati, cioè non prendono la -s finale. Essi sono volti al plurale, cioè aggiungono la -s, soltanto