Page 80 - Make Up Your English
P. 80
tu (the kind of treatment, the date, the time, and it to other people to di-
eventually the name of the beauty therapist in rect them to your beauty
05 charge ofl the service). centre.
Write down all appointments and variations in Never answer simply yes
M the organizer in a clear way so that your colle- or no, but always offer al-
A agues can see what has been done. Ifthe client ternatives in order to keep the conversation alive.
has come to the beauty salon, give him/her an V/hen the client pays the bill, ask if he or she
K appointment card. The appointment card is im- needs further appointments so that the client is
E portant not only because it remindsT the client invited to make a furtheC visit to vour beautv
about the next appointment, but also because it centre.
is a promotional means. The client could give
P @ for a manicure and a pedicure. I'd like to have
them done by Lucy. Mrs Robinson, an old cli-
Answer the following questions.
ent of yours, told me she is a specialist!
tr Why is the first contact important? llxn: That's right, Mrs Taylor. When do you
a How should you be when giving prefer to come? In the morning or in the af-
information? ternoon?
g V/hat information do you repeat to the MRs rayloR: I'm going to a wedding on Sat-
client when fixing an appointment? urday morning. I'd like to come on Friday af-
E Where and how do you write all ternoon.
appointments and variations? Why? JANn: I'm sorry, Mrs Taylor. Lucy is quite busy
E Why is the appointment card important? this Friday afternoon... But she's free in the
ts Should you answer simply yes or no? morning. Would you like to come at 10 a.m.?
a What do you do when the client pays the MRs rayr,on: Can you tell me how long it will
bill? take?
Jlxrc: About one hour, madam.
MRs raYlon: OK. That's good.
JANE: I've fixed a manicure and pedicure for
you with Lucy, Mrs Taylor. Here is your ap-
Let's suppose you are Jane and you workfor The
pointment card. See you on Friday morning
Red Roses' Beauty Salon. Four skilled beauty
at 10 a.m.
therapists work together with you: Anne, Mory,
MRs raylon: Thank you, Jane. See you. Bye.
Lucy, and Brenda. Today you are at the recep-
laxn: Goodbye Mrs Tàylor.
tion desk and you have to answer the phone and
receive clients. In turns role-play the following a
dialogues. It's 3 p.m. The phone rings.
ltrn: Hallo, The Red Roses' Beauty Salon. My
E name is Jane. How can I help you?
It's eleven o'clock in the morning. A woman en- caRol: Hallo. This is Carol speaking. Can I
ters the beauîy salon. You don't know her, so
speak to Anne, please?
you suppose she is a new client. You look at îhe
JANE: Good afternoon, Carol. I'm sorry but
organizer andyou see that the next appoinîment Anne is busy at the moment. Can I help you?
is fixed for I p.m. and the name written is Mrs caRor.: I need to fix a make-up session for
Robinson. It's too early and additionally you Wednesday afternoon with Anne.
know Mrs Robinson because she is an old client Jlxn: Let me see. Anne is free from 1 to 3 p.m.
of yours. What doyou do? this Wednesday. What time do you prefer to
;.lnr: Good morning, Madam. Welcome to The
Red Roses' Beauty Salon. My name is Jane. cARoL: Sorry, I can't. I have a hair-set at half
How can I help you?
past l. Can I come at lunchtime?
MRs rayl,on: Good morning, Jane. My name is
yaxn: Sorry, she's got already an appointment at
Mrs Taylor. I'm here to make an appointment