Page 6 - Tampa YMCA Summer Camp Staff Resource Guide
P. 6

Schedules are provided electronically for all camp staff. Minors MUST only be clocked in for 3.5 hours or less before clocking out for a minimum 1⁄2 hour break. (Exemption – when High School Diploma is on the employee file). Part time staff who have other job codes may work a maximum of 29 hours a week. Seasonal staff may work a maximum of 40 hours a week. Staff must use the HRIS clock in system to clock in (with correct job code) every day no more than 5 minutes before the shift begins. Edit slips are only for times when the HRIS system is not up and running. Time off should be requested at least a week in advance of scheduled shifts and shift trades must be approved by the Camp Director. Outside of your schedule, you cannot “hang out” at the Y. Any staff who are not on the clock may work out or use the Y facilities as a member, where campers/camp staff are not present, but cannot wear their staff uniform.
Make sure to clock in with the camp training job code for all trainings and for staff meetings. Staff meetings are mandatory but dates/times vary by center and can be offered via Zoom at the Camp Director’s discretion.
Staff must find coverage for any shifts (to the entirety) they have been scheduled for if they plan to be absent. This is solely the staff’s responsibility. If a staff member calls out within 24 hours of their shift, they must speak directly with the Camp Director in the case of an emergency. Emergencies need to be discussed/approved by the Camp Director and may need to be communicated to Tampa YMCA HR Department (ex. COVID exposure). Any staff member needing to be out for 3 or more days due to illness will need to provide a doctor’s note.
All unexcused absences will be subject to disciplinary action.
Staff members are expected to respect each other’s rights. If difficulties arise due to personality or job responsibilities, the staff members involved should try to work together to form a compromise. If differences cannot be resolved, then the parties need to seek the help of the Camp Director.
Staff relationships are not to interfere with the staff’s responsibilities to campers or the program. Staff 18 years of age or over, may not have a relationship outside of work with staff, volunteers, members, and program participants under the age of 18. Staff may not “friend” staff, volunteers, members, and program participants younger than 18 on any social media sites. Staff are expected to act with discretion in their personal relationships with other staff or members. The best rule to follow is: “If I am questioning whether it’s right or wrong, it’s probably wrong!”

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