Page 42 - Aatmava Sarvabhuteshu_Final Report_Neat
P. 42

Training 2 (January 8-12, 2022)

             “National  Training  Programme  on  Monitoring  Sloth  Bear  Population  and                                           Apart from this, the advanced monitoring and assessment technique sessions
             Habitat” was jointly organized by Wildlife and Conservation Biology Research                                           on applications of Remote Sensing (RS) and use of Geoinformatics System (GIS)
             Foundation, Patan and Chhota Udepur Forest Division. The training programme                                            in  bear  habitat  management  was  also  taught  during  the  course  of  training
             was organized at Kevdi Eco tourism area in Chhota Udepur district. The training                                        period.  Also,  sloth  bear  population  monitoring,  conservation  education  and
             was called ‘20–20’ that included 40 participants out of which 20 were students                                         outreach,  human-sloth  bear  conflicts  and  sloth  bear  rescue  operations  along
             across  the  country  and  20  frontline  forest  staff  of  Gujarat  Forest  Department.                              with  many  field  based  sessions  were  part  of  the  training  programme  that
             Participants' teams were made with one student and one forest frontline staff                                          played a vital role for initiating science based conservation and management of
             benefiting  everyone  with  knowledge  exchange,  experience  sharing  and                                             wildlife.  Everyday  few  student  participants  presented  their  research  and
             capacity building. Experts from various universities, forest department and their                                      exchange of ideas happened. Chhota Udepur forest division covered the basic
             partners and collaborators across the country have delivered talks and hands-                                          cost  towards  the  logistics  including  all  training  materials  and  training  kit,
             on training on habitat evaluation monitoring and management, demonstration                                             meals,  lodging,  field  travel  during  the  course  and  remuneration  of  experts
             of camera traps and placing them on field.                                                                             including their TA/DA. WCB Research Foundation has provided the knowledge
                                                                                                                                    resources and overall coordination of the course.

               © WCB RF

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                                                                                          WCB Research Foundation                                                                                                WCB Research Foundation
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