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SAMPATH KUMAR MEMBER, Rotary ID - 10234877
Ex. Prof University of Mumbai, Kalina Spouse : P Sampath Kumar
th Marriage Anniversary Date : 13 September YOUR OBJECTIVE OF
Mobile number : 9833122647 / 9885525591 Spouse Profession : Retired Professional Pharma and JOINING ROTARY
502 - Eden 1, Hiranandani Estate, Hospitality.
Ghodbundar Road, Thane - 400607 First Child Name : Suchinth Kumar A PLATFORM
DOB : 03 August Second Child Name : Prashant Kumar
Jack of many trades may suit me.. and can say Then switched over to Jamnalal Bajaj as external SERVE SOCIETY.
that a rolling stone can gather moss just as one faculty and worked on a Planning Commission
can become a master of some trade- refuting the project - was given independent assignment on
age-old adages. Having lived in all the four major governance in Maharashtra and this was
cities for long periods have fond memories of each included in the Maharashtra Yearbook of 2006 as
- Calcutta, Madras, Delhi and Bombay.. prefer to Chapter 10. My last assignment was for 3 years
use the old names. Schooling was in Calcutta, St. in the Editorial team of EPW. Most interesting
Teresa’s Secondary School, College in Madras part that I would like to mention is getting roles in
(Masters in Economics- Stella Maris College) and Russian plays at the Centre for Russian Culture.
came to Mumbai in 1970 after my marriage. Did There was one I cherish- Chekov’s ‘ Svadba’
my doctoral thesis from Mumbai University- In (marriage) where I and Nadir Godrej ( of Godrej
Economics ‘ neglect of the consumer goods Industries) got to play important roles! Oh yes, I
industry being a major reason for the fall of the also interpreted for the actors of Ajooba.. for a
Soviet Union’. Working in the area studies program while but traveling and long hours made me give
of the UGC at the University of Mumbai had up. Anyway, I found their talk stupid to act as the
several opportunities to visit Moscow and Eastern interpreter .
Europe. I had an MPhil in Russian language from
Delhi University.