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                                                SHANKAR                       MEMBER, Rotary ID : 8852273

                                           Summit Engineering Technology Pvt Ltd               Spouse : V N L Sudha (14 January)
                                                           Marriage Anniversary Date : 25 June                            YOUR OBJECTIVE OF
                                           Mobile number : +91 9820231850                      Spouse Profession : Aloha teacher                              JOINING ROTARY
                                           A202, Princeton, Hiranandani Estate, Patlipada,     First Child Name : V Divya (4 December)
                                           off Ghodbunder Road, Thane W - 400607               Second Child Name : V. Deepti (15 March)
                                           DOB: 08 December                                                                                                   Join hands to do
                                                                                                                                                              good to the society at

     I was born and bought up in Delhi and completed       My maternal grandmother was the mayor of                                                           large. In the process
     my schooling there from DTEA Hr. Sec School           Vishakhapatnam. My mother Shrimati Suseela
     Pusa Road. Thereafter I joined REC Tiruchy to do      Rao has been a social worker for different                                                         create an extended
     my graduation in Production Engineering.              organizations for more than 50 years and was
     Initially I worked in Bengaluru, Delhi and am now     majorly associated in running the patient care                                                     family.
     settled in Thane for the past 21 years.               home attached to the erstwhile Wellington
     My field of work has been Tool Engineering and        Hospital. She at the age of 82 took up the post
     specifically in the field of Torque management        as the president of IWC Vishakhapatnam 20-
     and am associated with all leading Automobile         21.
     manufacturers taking care of their Torque tool        I joined rotary in 2013 and has gone through
     needs.   My    organization   provides   assembly     the posts of Additional secretary, Treasurer,
     solutions and quality monitoring of tightening        Secretary and Trust treasurer ship in all these
     procedures.                                           years and in 2020-21 finally took up the baton
     My whole family has a long history of social work,    of the President of RC of Hiranandani Estate.
     my maternal grandfather was a Member of
     Parliament prior to Independence and worked for
     women empowerment and the up - liftment of the
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