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SRINIVASAN MEMBER, Rotary ID : 11201144
Consultant, Business Transformation, Spouse : Mahalakshmi Subramanian (24 January)
CEOMITRA Marriage Anniversary Date : 26 May YOUR OBJECTIVE OF
th Spouse Profession : Executive Search - JOINING ROTARY
Mobile number : 7506059999 / 9930481155 Mid Senior Hiring - Antal International
603, Brookhill, Hiranandani Estate, Off First Child Name : Rohit Subramanian (12 March)
Ghodbunder Road, Thane W - 400 607 Second Child Name : Aditya Subramanian (7 December) Meeting like
DOB :21 April
minded people
Highlight life moments which people can connect investment. Subuus wife and friend Maha runs a
to - Subuu is a Mechanical Engineer from VJTI successful Executive Search Company for mid & contributing to
and has a Masters in Marketing from Mumbai and senior level placements. His elder son Rohit
University - NMIMS. Subuu has led as four is studying FINTECH MBA with Masters Union -
European company subsidiary in India - GIBAM - Gurgoan after a 5-year work stint with Oracle. His social causes
Italy, Bizerba - Germany, SIHL - Switzerland and younger son Aditya is also an IT engineer and
Mettler Toledo - Switzerland. At the age of 31 he will soon start to work with Quantiphi. Subuu
started his own company as Distributor of lives in Brookhill Hiranandani Estate with his
Bizerba and got acquired in 18 months by the family and mom.
principal. Subuu's style of Management is
inspired by Ricardo Semlers Maverick and Fish
Philosophy by John Christiansen. He is now also
certified by Semcostyle Institute founded by
Ricardo Semler and is a International Sales
Partner in India for FISH Philosophy. Subuu
helps startups by mentoring and handholding to
success. He also has a business unit which
helps start ups find the right investor and.