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ARUNIMA SINGH SMILE Club Secretary, Rotary ID : 10330429

                                                 Media & Entertainment(Digital Advertising); VP -            Spouse : Amitabh Singh (13 July)
                                                 Health Digital at Havas Life Sorento                        Marriage Anniversary Date : 21 November
                                                                         Spouse Profession : Engineering (Mechanical); DGM -Technical
                                                 Mobile number : +919819043479                               Audit at Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
                                                 303,Oxford,Hiranandani Estate, Ghodbunder Road,             First Child Name : Abhigyan Singh, B Tech-3rd year(Computer
                                                 Thane West 400607                                           Science) (14 November)
                                                 DOB : 05 October                                            Second Child Name : Arunabh Singh (28 January)
        Your success and intro - Media professional with 22+ years of rich experience
        who has successfully driven digital media planning, brand management,
        campaigns & promotions functions, established consistent & appropriate                                                                                       Your Objective of
        business practices, delivered highest customer satisfaction consistently with                                                                                Joining Rotary
        focus on quality and content of the work.
                                                                                                                                                                     Service to
        Her Qualification : MBA  degree from  Have been a Speaker at Ad Adda at
        Institute of Finance and Management,  Heritage  College  &  PRSI,  Engage                                                                                    the society
        Lucknow University Management Executive  2017,Digital  Summit(Coimbatore  &                                                                                              +
        program from ISB Hyderabad National   Chennai) & Women Economic Forum                                                                                        (Education/
        University of Singapore (Certified in Social  2019(India Chapter). Guest faculty at IIM,
        Media & Public Relations) Certified in  Ranchi and IIM Jammu. She is currently
        Design  Thinking  Fundamentals  from  pursuing her PhD from Mumbai University.                                                                               Sports)
        Rochester University of Technology She  An active Rotarian by heart. Arunima has
        has a strong understanding of the media  also been a distinguished speaker & chief                                                                           and
        industry and has capabilities in handling  guest in KC College of Engineering &
        large campaigns & projects.           Management Studies (Mumbai University)                                                                                 fellowship
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