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                                           CHAUDHARY                            MEMBER

                                            Retired as Chief Executive - Depots &              Spouse : Poonam Chaudhary (23 August)
                                            Distribution - Hawkins                             Marriage Anniversary Date : 04 February
                                                            Spouse Profession : A Homemaker                                YOUR OBJECTIVE OF
                                            Mobile number : 8080878481 / 9619755193            First Child Name : Sahil Chaudhary (20 December)               JOINING ROTARY
                                            D-403, Harmony Horizons Chs Ltd, Ghodbandar        Second Child Name : Payal Sejpal (05 January)
                                            Road, Owala (Near Vedant Hospital), Thane-                                                                        I WANT TO GET
                                            DOB :16 October                                                                                                   INVOLVED IN

       I started as a humble Sales Representative of        Due to my consistent good performance, my                                                         SELFLESS
       Hawkins Cookers Ltd, Mumbai for catering to          Company gave me service extension of 3
       markets in East UP at their Varanasi HQ, in          years. I retired from services of the Company                                                     SERVICE TO
       November      1985.     With    my     consistent    as Chief Executive-Depots & Distribution as of
       performance, I got promoted as Regional Sales        October 31, 2020, at the age of 61 years                                                          MANKIND.
       Officer in August 1991 and posted at their
       marketing office in Mumbai. I, then, rose to the
       rank of Zonal Manager, then to General
       Manager, then to SGM in next 15 years, wherein
       I handled sales assignments successfully in
       different geographical areas. I have worked in
       most parts of our Country. From October 2009, I
       was assigned to look after the Logistics
       Operations of our brands on an All India Basis,
       by managing finished goods movement from our
       3 factories and 7 vendors to Company's
       warehouses and depots, located in 30 different
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