Page 47 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 47

Yoga classes are in high demand.
       We  will  always  thank  Roxy  Louw  &

       Sam  Barton  who  pioneered  this                            If  you  don’t  have  any  experience  in
       experience  in  South  Africa  Please                        doing yoga then you can still learn to

       have  a  look  at  their  website                            become an instructor. Here in South  This  might  be                        Africa  there  are  a  lot  of  Yoga
       a  very  trending  business  idea.                           training classes that you can take to

       Cannabis  will  relax  the  body  and                        become a yoga instructor, it might be
       mind, which is a perfect state to be                         costly  but  it  is  definitely  worth  it.

       in  when  practising  yoga.  You'll                          We have done some research on yoga
       usually need 2 years' experience of                          teacher  courses  and  we  have  found

       practising  yoga  with  a  qualified                         one  that  is  professional  and  not  as
       teacher to teach it yourself.                                costly  as  the  other  ones  and  it  only
                                                                    takes  8  months  to  complete  your

                                                                    training,  but  do  some  research  on
                                                                    yoga  teacher  training  in  your  area

                                                                    and you might just have the start of
                                                                    a brilliant business idea.

                                                               This course is all inclusive, covering:

                                                               Movement (Asana),
      Offering  a  200-hour  accreditation,                    Breathing (Pranayama),

      Trifocus        Fitness       Academy’s         Yoga     Meditation,
      Certification course is designed to cover                Yoga philosophy, and Mantra.

      all aspects of Yoga.

                                                               What is included in your course pack?
      With  Trifocus  Fitness  Academy’s  Yoga                 Learner guide (correspondence only)

      Certification  course,  you  will  gain  fast            Assessment guides
      knowledge  of  all  aspects  that  are                   (correspondence only)

      current  and  necessary  as  a  Yoga                     Kit bag
      Instructor. The Yoga course enables you                  Cap

      to  practice  your  Yoga  instructing  both              T-shirt
      locally and internationally.
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