Page 52 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 52
Cannabis businesses attracts
increased scrutiny from
regulators, so keeping accurate
financial records is vital. Plus,
companies in this industry have a
slew of unique challenges to deal
with for managing their cash,
getting credit, handling taxes, and
processing payments. So
accounting expertise is a must.
Tertiary subjects:
After matric, you will need to enrol in a tertiary
institute and complete a Bachelor of Commerce
degree – or equivalent qualification at a SAIPA-
accredited institution. The core subjects you’ll
be studying are:
Financial Accounting 3
Auditing 1 OR Internal Auditing
Commercial Law
Finance OR Management Accounting 3
Having successfully earned your Bachelor of
Commerce degree, you will need to gain
What do I need to study to become an invaluable work experience in a three-year
accountant? learnership at a SAIPA-Accredited Training
School subjects: Centres (ATC).
At high school level, you will need to
choose Mathematics (Not Maths Literacy) Professional Evaluation (PE) Exam:
and Accounting (preferably), Having completed your learnership, you can
matriculating with marks that will ensure then tackle the final hurdle, which is the SAIPA
you get a university pass. This will lay the PE exam. Trainees can take the exam, either in
foundation in accountancy and financial May or November, at various venues
knowledge, while also instilling the countrywide. This is a four-hour written
correct logic and process of thinking to competency exam which determines your
succeed in the profession. ability to integrate academic knowledge with
practical workplace experience.