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P. 249

Other Matters

              1.   In  respect  of  Holding  Company,  the  COVID  19  induced  restrictions  on  physical
                    movement and strict timelines, the entire audit team could not visit the audit place for
                    undertaking  the  required  audit  procedures  as  prescribed  under  ICAI  issued
                    Standards on Auditing, including but not limited to:
                   •     Inspection, observation, examination and verication of the original documents
                          / les.

                   •     Physical verication of cash, Inventories, Original xed deposit receipts, original
                          copies of investments, including adequate internal controls thereof.

                   •     Verication of original sanction letters of loans obtained by the bank,   bank
                          records, etc.

                   •     Observation with regard to access controls and data security.

                   The above audit procedures was conducted during the limited review of the Company
                    for the half year ended 30th Septermber'2019 and we do not found any material
                    misstatement during such verication. Further the management has provided us with
                    the scanned copies of the relevant documents and records required for the purpose
                    of our statutory audit and we have obtained sufcient appropriate audit evidence
                    which is required in forming our opinion.

                   Our opinion is not modied in respect of the above matter.

              2.   The consolidated nancial statements also include the Holding Company's share of
                    Total prot after comprehensive income of Rs. 0.01 Crores for the year ended 31st
                    March, 2020, as considered in the consolidated nancial statements, in respect of
                    one associate – Jaigarh Digni Rail Limited, whose nancial statements have not been
                    audited by us.
                   These nancial statements have been audited by other auditor whose report has been
                    furnished to us by the Management and our opinion on the consolidated nancial
                    statements, in so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures included in respect of
                    this associate, and our report in terms of sub-section (3) of Section 143 of the Act, in
                    so far as it relates to the aforesaid associate, is based solely on the report of the other

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