Page 244 - KRCL ENglish
P. 244

Sr.      The Key Audit matters                   How our audit addressed the key
                No.                                             audit matter / Auditor's Response

                     (ROU) asset and a lease liability arising   b)  Evaluated  computation  of  lease  liabilities  and
                     from a lease on the balance sheet.        challenged the key estimates such as discount
                                                               rates and lease terms.
                     The  lease  liabilities  are  initially
                     measured by discounting future lease   •  Assessed  and  tested  the  presentation  and
                     payments during the lease term as per     disclosure  relating  to  Ind  AS  116  including
                     the contract/ arrangement.                disclosures relating to the transitions.

                     Adoption  of  the  standard  involves
                     signicant judgements and estimates
                     including,  determination  of  the
                     discount rates and the lease term.

                     Additionally,  the  standard  mandates
                     detailed  disclosures  in  respect  of

                     Refer  Note  2(G)  and  Note  44  to  the
                     consolidated  nancial  statements.

                2    Recoverability  and  assessment  of   Our key audit procedures included and were not
                     Trade  Receivables,  Other  Inter     limited to the following:
                     Railway Financial Adjustment (IRFA)
                     Receivables                           We  have  performed  the  following  procedures  in
                                                           relation to the recoverability of trade receivables and
                     Trade  Receivables  of  the  company   Inter  Railway  Financial  Adjustment  (IRFA)
                     comprise mainly receivables in relation   Receivables:
                     to the Trafc Earning Receivable.
                                                           Ÿ Tested the calculations of claims on account of
                     Other  Inter  Railway  Financial         apportioned Trafc Earnings on sample basis.
                     Adjustment  (IRFA)  Receivables
                     comprise of Fuel Charges recoverable   Ÿ Tested the accuracy of aging of trade receivables
                     from Railways.                           and Inter Railway Financial Adjustment (IRFA) at
                                                              year end on a sample basis.
                     These balances are recognised at their
                     anticipated realisable value, based on   Ÿ Obtained the details of outstanding receivables
                     allocation of trafc done by Centre For   and  identied  the  claim  wherever  there  is
                     Railway Information System (CRIS), a     substantial delay in payment.
                     Central Government entity. The same
                     is worked on the basis of trains of one   Ÿ Assessed  the  recoverability  of  the  unsettled
                     railway plying through own as well as    receivables  on  a  sample  basis  through  our
                     other railways track.

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