Page 246 - KRCL ENglish
P. 246

Sr.      The Key Audit matters                   How our audit addressed the key
                No.                                             audit matter / Auditor's Response

                     due to availability of setoff of losses /   creation of deferred tax asset on accumulated losses
                     unabsorbed depreciated.               and unabsorbed depreciation.

                     Assessment  of  Income  Tax  for  the   We  have  evaluated  the  uncertainty  of  tax  liability
                     Financial Year 2007-08 to 2014-15 are   which may arise due to Income Tax assessment in
                     pending at various level of Appellate   respect of the Financial Year 2007-08 to 2014-15 and
                     Authority.  However,  the  Management   compared  the  same  with  carried  forward
                     is of the opinion that, considering the   accumulated losses and unabsorbed depreciation in
                     outcome  of  past  Assessment  and    order  to  ensure  whether  there  will  be  additional
                     existing  carry  forward  Un-absorbed   impact on the nancials of the company on account
                     Depreciation Loss, there will not be any   of Income Tax Assessments.
                     impact on nancials of the company.
                                                           We have drawn attention in Emphasis of Matters on
                     Refer Note No. 47 to the Consolidated   Non-creation of Income Tax Provision and Deferred
                     Financial  Statements  for  Taxes  on   Tax Asset considering the huge accumulated losses
                     Income.                               and which in our judgement, are fundamental to the
                                                           users'  understanding  of  the  consolidated  nancial
                     Refer Note No. 40 to the Consolidated   statements.
                     Financial  Statements  for  Contingent
                     Liability  on  account  of  pending

                4.  Inter  Railway  Bill  Passing  System   Our key audit procedures included and were not
                     and Reconciliations                   limited to the following:
                                                           We  have  performed  the  following  procedures  in
                     Trade  payable  of  the  Company      relation  to  the  payment  /  settlement  of  trade
                     comprise  mainly  comprises  of  the   payables:
                     claim of various Railways on account
                     of  Loco  Hire  Charges,  Wagon  Hire   Ÿ  Tested the calculations of claims on account of
                     Charges, Fuel charges.                   Loco Hire charges with number of hours operated
                                                              in the month in the territory of Company.
                     The  claims  are  recognised  on  the
                     following basis:                      Ÿ Tested the calculations of claims on account of
                     1) Loco Hire Charges: Per Hour basis,    Wagon  Hire  charges  with  number  of  days
                     2) Wagon Hire Charges: Per Day basis,    operated in the month in the territory of Company.
                     3) Fuel charges: On GTKm (Gross Ton
                       Kilometer)  basis  as  per  the     Ÿ Tested the calculations of claims on account of
                       calculation of run mileage.            fuel with GTKM basis i.e. the gross ton kilometre
                                                              run of the train belonging to Company which run
                     Note  No.  26  of  the  consolidated     on the track of other Railways during the month.
                     nancial  statements  for  Trade

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