Page 23 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 23
Listen, Listen
Listen, listen, Here I come, Someone special, Gets the drum.
Same as activities 1 & 2 for pre- schoolers
1. The children sit in a circle. You teach the song whilst demonstrating the pulse on the drum. The children should join in with their imaginary drums.
2. When most of the group can sing the song, pass the drum around the circle so that each child has a turn of playing the pulse as the group sings the song. Hand the beater to the chosen child first as they will take it with their stronger hand, making it easier for them to play. All the children should sing and play imaginary drums during each other's turns. If there are more than 15 children in the class, select half the class and ask another adult to write down who has had a turn so you can give different children a turn next time.
3. If you have an older and more experienced group, try the following game: Everyone is standing in a circle. Child A marches around the circle keeping a steady beat on the drum and with their feet. Whichever child they stop at is the next one to march around with the drum (Child B). Child A then sits down where Child B was standing. This sequence is repeated until everyone has had a turn and is seated.
hand drum
The Shakers in the Band
The shakers in the band go shake, shake, shake,
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
The shakers in the band go shake, shake, shake, BE
All day long.
The bells in the band go ding, ding, ding...
The drums in the band go boom, boom, boom...
NB: If you find B7 easier than B, you can play that instead.
1. Percussion instruments are played every time you say the sound the instrument makes (e.g. ‘shake’, ‘ding’ or ‘boom’). You play a percussion instrument with the group (only on the sound words) until they understand the activity. Only bring in your accompanying instrument when most of the group are playing correctly (the rhythm and not the pulse).
2. Make up verses about the specific instruments you have given the children.
3. Experiment with loud, soft, fast and slow bands.
Same as for babies
Activities 1 & 2 are same as for babies except the children help to decide which sound each instrument makes (e.g. ‘shake’, ‘bang’, ‘ding’, ‘boom’, ‘jingle’ etc.).
3. Sing about instruments that the children are not playing (e.g. drums, violins, pianos etc.). Take suggestions from the children.
4. Same as for babies activity three.
B anacrusis
percuss ion instrum ents & melodi c instrum ent
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