Page 25 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 25

 Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term Four Song Bank Movement and dancing
   Activities for Babies
      Activities for Toddlers
      Activities for Pre-schoolers
    Startin g pitch
     I Want Someon e to Buy Me a Pony
   I want someone to buy me a pony. Jig, jog, jig, jog, jig - a - jog gee. Not too fast and not too bony. Jig, jog, jig, jog, jig - a - jog gee.
I would like to go for a ride,
Far across the countryside.
(getting faster)
With a jig, jog, jig, jog, jig, jog, jig, jog, Jig, jog, jig - a - jog gee.
  1. Place the big teddy on your lap and bounce it up and down to the pulse, getting faster at the end. If there are parents in the session, they can bounce their child on their lap. If there are no parents in the class, staff can help bounce younger babies and older babies can bounce on their own.
2. Try giving the babies bells and/or shakers to play as they bounce.
    Same as for babies except some of the toddlers will join in bouncing on their own, without the help of an adult.
    big teddy, hand bells & egg shakers
    I Went to School One Morning
I went to school one morning and I walked like this,
Walked like this, walked like this.
I went to school one morning and I walked like this. GAD
All on my way to school.
I saw a little robin and it hopped like this...
I saw a big puddle and I splashed like this (jump), Splashed like this (jump), splashed like this (jump). I saw a big puddle and I splashed like this (jump). All on my way to school.
I saw a little pony and it galloped like this...
I saw a little ducky and it waddled like this...
I saw a poor old lady and she hobbled like this...
I saw a tall policeman and he stood like this...
I heard the school bell ringing and I jogged like this... (faster tempo)
    Toddlers aged 2-3s do the same activities as for pre- schooler activities one to three. Toddlers aged 1-2 sing 'I Want Someone to Buy Me a Pony' instead.
   1. Repeat the first verse over and over (with no break in between repeats), whilst marching on the spot, in time with the pulse. When the children have learnt the first verse, everyone marches around the room in the same direction and sings the first verse again.
2. Add other verses. Actions are as indicated. Shake your hand bells to indicate the school bell ringing before you sing the last verse.
3. You and the children sing the whole song. The children perform the actions and you play your melodic instrument.
4. Ask a child to create a new verse for everyone to sing and act out.
    melodic instrument & hand bells
   © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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