Page 4 - Fairies & Pirates 2 hour
P. 4

With a merry tune?
They're so still.
Are they ill? "Wake up little fairies!” (the children wake up)
Fly little fairies, fly, fly, fly, (flying around the room in the same direction)
Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly.
Fly little fairies, fly, fly, fly,
Fly, fly, fly. X 2
“Back to sleep, back to sleep!” This time we’re all going to be pirates and when we wake up, we are going to dig for treasure.”
See the pirates sleeping, (the children lie down, pretending to sleep)
Till it's nearly noon.
Shall we wake them,
With a merry tune?
They're so still.
Are they ill? "Wake up little pirates! It’s time to dig for treasure"! (the children wake up)
Dig little pirates, dig, dig, dig, (digging actions to the pulse) Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig.
Dig little pirates, dig, dig, dig,
Dig, dig, dig. X 2
If you need to perform the actions to encourage the children then please do so. Otherwise, you should clap along as you sing the chorus to help maintain energy. Repeat several times, using the children’s suggestions for actions. E.g. “Cast spells little fairies” or ”Sail little pirates” etc.
Ask the children if they know a game called ‘Grandma’s Footsteps’. Tell them they’re going to play a game just like it called ‘Fairy Footsteps’. Tell them to stand in a line against the wall at the back of the room. You stand roughly five meters in front of them and place the soft fairy toy on the floor just in front of you. Tell the children that if they can take the fairy toy without you noticing them then they will have beaten you to become the winners! When you turn your back to the children they must creep towards you like fairies on their tippy toes as quietly as they can, but when you turn to face them they must freeze! If you see them moving they must go back to the wall and start again. The game ends when one of the children manages to take the fairy toy whilst your back it turned. When you face the children and see that it has been taken, give them all a round of applause and congratulate them all on beating you. It’s important that they feel like it’s you against all of them (and not them playing against each other). You can play the game as many or as few times as required by your party timings.
NB: Don’t worry if the children start laughing/cheat- they always do!
“Now we’re going to play my favourite game!” Get out the parachute and tell the children that they are all pirates and it’s night time so they must hold on to the edges of the parachute and lie, eyes closed, with their feet underneath it as if tucked up in bed! Tell them that you are going to creep around the edge of the parachute and tap one of the children on the head. If you tap them on the head then they are the crocodile and the crocodile’s job is to invite all the pirates to the Secret Pirate Party! The chosen child must then crawl underneath the parachute like a crocodile and tickle the toes of the sleeping pirates. Tell the children that if their feet are tickled then they are invited to the Secret Pirate Party and they too must crawl underneath the parachute and start tickling toes! NB: Once you’ve tapped the chosen child on the head, lie with your feet underneath the parachute too so as to help the children with the game. Make sure they know they have to be very quiet! Finally, when everyone, yourself included, is underneath the parachute tell them that they have made it to the Secret Pirate Party, and that if they jump out and shout “boo” on the count of three then you will have some special bubbles for them to pop! Count to three and lift up the parachute as the children jump up and shout “boo”!
12. BUBBLES: ‘Celebration’ performed by Kool & the Gang
Play the song and use your bubble machine to create lots of bubbles for the children to pop. You should dance as you do this.
  © 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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