Page 5 - Fairies & Pirates 2 hour
P. 5
The children will eat their tea during a 30-minute break. Ask the parents if they would like you to play some children’s party tunes in the background (many will provide their own music). If they say yes, make sure to only play songs from Lucy Sparkles & Friends party plans (as some pop songs might be inappropriate). Make sure your speaker is plugged in during the break so you don’t run out of battery.
We have recommended to the parents that they bring out the cake and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ at the beginning or at the end of the 30-minute tea break. Make sure you find out from the parents (before the start of the party) when they would like this to happen so you can assist in getting everyone’s attention and singing the song.
If the parent has requested glitter tattoos then this is the time to apply them (or to continue applying them if you did 15 minutes of tattoos at the beginning). Please see the ‘Glitter Tattoo Instructions’ document attached to your confirmation email for more details. Ensure that every child has the chance to have one. This may mean that applying the tattoos runs into your second set of entertainment so make sure to apply them as quickly as you can! You can easily adjust the timings of the second entertainment set using the instructions at the beginning of the plan.
If no glitter tattoos have been booked, spend approximately 15 minutes sitting with the children and talking to them in character while they eat their tea. Make sure to move around the table and interact with lots of different children. Next, gather up those who have finished eating and perform the magic tricks as specified in the ’15 min magic plan’ document attached to your confirmation email.
Set Two (45 mins)
13. PASS THE PARCEL: ‘Pegleg Pete’ performed by Brandon Fiechter (if requested)
Make it clear to the children before you play the game that “everybody gets a turn.” Play the track and the children pass the parcel around in a circle. When you pause the music, the child holding the parcel opens a layer and keeps the gift inside. Use a remote control to pause the music so you can help the younger children pass the parcel and open it when it is their turn. The children can eat their treat, put it in their pocket or give it to an adult to mind so that it does not distract them from the rest of the party.
14. FAIRY SAYS* (if you are dressed as a pirate then change this to “pirate says”)
Tell the children you hope they haven’t forgotten all about how to be real fairies and pirates whilst eating all that delicious tea! Tell them that you are going to test them again by playing a game a bit like ‘Simon Says’ called ‘FAIRY SAYS’! If you say “FAIRY SAYS touch your toes” then they must copy you and touch their toes, but if you don't say “FAIRY SAYS” and simply say “touch your toes” then they must remain still! Start with some easy instructions like: “FAIRY SAYS touch your toes/spin around/hug a friend/jump/clap” and remove the “FAIRY SAYS” whenever you see fit! Then move onto some fairy and pirate themed actions such as cast a spell/fly/scrub the deck/climb the rigging etc. You may need to demonstrate the fairy and pirate actions before including them in the game.
15. CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE TWO: ‘Hey, Hey, Hey We’re All Pirate Dancing’ performed by The Wiggles
Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
“It’s time for you to learn how to dance like a pirate.” Give each child a pirate scarf (coloured scarf) to wear. Encourage any adults present to help you assist children that need help in tying the scarves around their necks. The scarf should be folded in half to make a triangle and then tied around the child’s neck with just one knot so it can be easily taken off to dance with at the end of the song. Practice the tricky moves and then play the track and perform the dance as in the video.
16. CHASING GAME: ‘Catch the Fairies and Pirates!’ (sung to the traditional tune of ‘Tiny Tim’)
Put on your posh teacher voice. “And now you’re going to have a short fairy and pirate lesson. I am your teacher Your Name Sparkles and you are my students. Follow me.” Sing the song acapella and perform the actions as indicated by the lyrics.
“All fairies must know how to fly.”
The fairies are flying, the fairies are flying, the fairies are flying in Your Name Sparkles’ class.
© 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD