P. 114
Drainage & Piped Services Standard Specification
Version 2014-1
shall have folded edges where practical, site cut edges being provided with continuous grommet
surrounds. The boxes shall be secured with quick release toggle fasteners for easy removal
without disturbing the adjacent insulation.
Pipework Located Externally and Exposed to Weather Conditions
Hot and Cold Water Services
Pipework within the areas stated above shall be insulated as previously described for ‘pipework
concealed from view’ but further finished with a layer of 0.8mm thick polysobutylene sheeting or
equal and approved covering the whole pipe insulation and applied with not less than 50mm
overlaps. All joints shall be sealed with a suitable solvent welding agent. All pipework insulated
externally shall be completely sealed and watertight.
Valves and Flanges
All valves and flanges within the areas stated above shall be insulated with purpose made
removable 22 gauge stucco embossed aluminium boxes as previously described for valves and
flanges in ‘pipework exposed to view in plant-room’ but further finish with a layer of 0.8mm thick
polyisobutylene sheeting or equal and approved covering the whole box in two sections to allow
easy removal and with not less than 50mm overlaps to both box and adjacent pipework insulation
Pipework Exposed to View and Located Internally in Areas of Hygienic importance – Kitchens,
Food Preparation Areas
Pipework within these areas stated above shall be insulated as previously described for ‘Pipework
Concealed From View’ but omitting aluminium bands, further finished and protected with
ISOGENOPAK calendared, unplasticized sheeting with longitudinal and circumferential joints
overlapped not less than 40mm, sealed with suitable adhesive and then riveted at 150mm centres.
Fitting bends and tees shall be provided with pre-formed sheeting. Fittings and sheeting shall be
drawn tight over the insulation prior to sealing to ensure all laps are snug-fitting.
Insulated ends shall be finished with polished aluminium end cappings, fitted over the sheeting
and secured with self-tapping screws or metal pop rivets with the opening pipe aperture close
fitting around the exposed uninsulated pipe circumference.
TRACE HEATING (When required)
All pipework located externally and in internal areas subject to freezing by either temperature or
chill factors from wind shall be provided with trace heating in addition to insulation.
All trace heating elements shall be energy efficient, self-regulating type as manufactured by
Raychem and known as their Winterguard System or equal and approved.
The self-regulating trace heating tapes shall be in accordance with BS 6351.
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McDonalds Restaurants Ltd