Page 4 - McD_5120-A1 Multi point DT service manual 120828_Neat
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2.0 Island positioning within the site The inner lane must never hold as many as 3No cars
Lanes must never hold only 1No car as this will affect capacity
Positioning the island correctly within the site is critical to ensure an effective SBS operation without unduly Having 1No car waiting to order in each lane ensures the correct balance between customer experience and
impacting on site layout and other business requirements. In order a achieve this, a hierarchical approach can be capacity
adopted: 2.3 Approach lane
In fixing the island, the approach lane must be centred to the tip of the front of the island. In doing such, neither
2.1 COD and island position lane should appear preferential to customers
The car at the decision point must make a conscious decision to go left or right rather than following a natural
The relationship between COD and back of the island is important and consideration of this point is critical. The route into one lane or the other.
relationship may change depending on the distance and number of queuing cars from the booths, the 2.4 Drive Thru lane
orientation of the island and single lanes. The exit to the drive thru lane should be given priority over car park traffic, to ensure the DT lane can keep
moving without delay.
When setting out cars from the presenter booth (1) window the ideal positioning for the COD units is at car 8,
also fixing the back of the island. The COD must not be positioned on the inside of a left hand turn but can be FIG 2-Island setting out – Large Family Saloon Approach centred on island tip and both SBS lanes hold 2 cars
located on a right hand turn providing all further criteria can be met.
Should this not be physically possible, the then following positions should be explored:
Please note – Car 6 should only be used when none of the other COD locations are possible. This should be
explored thoroughly before positioning the COD’s at car 6.
Optimum position Car 8
Second position Car 9
Third position Car 7
Fourth position Car 10
Fifth position Car 11
Sixth position Car 6
Should none of the above be possible then COD cannot be immediately applied to the site and this should be
reported to National Operations via the Project Manager
When positioning the COD and back of island, consideration must be given to impact on the existing site
constraints, such as:
Limiting loss of parking (Aim to keep parking bay loss to a maximum of 10%)
Ensuring adequate circulation around the site is retained
Ensure no impact to delivery route or service strategy unless a suitable alternative can be designed into the
Maintaining or improving pedestrian access from parking to the restaurant
2.2 Fixing the island
Once the back of the island is set due to the fixed parameters between it and the COD, then the rest of the island
should be planned. The island must allow space for of 2No cars to queue in both the primary and secondary lane
between the COD and merge point at all times whilst being not less than 10m but no longer than operationally
A slight variation in lane length is acceptable provided that the ‘5 car rule’ can be maintained, ie 2No cars in each
of the lanes and 1No at the decision point - Or with the exception of the ‘6 car rule’ with 3No. cars in the outer
lane only.
NW5120-A1 Multi point DT service manual 120828/AC 4