Page 34 - B6118-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_(P18)_Contractors Manual
P. 34


       D3 Drive Thru (Exterior)

       D3.1 Layout and Design

       Drive thru restaurants must balance a number          Depending  on  each  restaurants  location
       of critical functions in order  to provide a          and  business  profile,  each  of  the  above
       contemporary  family dining experience  and           requirements may have different priorities.
       promote the brand:                                    Where CotF projects include works to the layout
                                                             of  a  drive  thru  site,  the  briefing  meeting  will
       -  Site layouts must provide an intuitive journey     allow  adequate discussion and development
         for  drive thru  customers  from  entering  the     regarding the best solution for each site.
         site, drive thru sequence through order, pay,
         collect and exit.                                   D3.2 Drive Thru Lanes

       -  Site layout must provide adequate parking for      Where changes are proposed to drive thru
         customers who wish to park and experience           lanes, these should be designed to suit a long
         the restaurant.                                     wheelbase  ‘transit’  van.  Where  site  specific
                                                             constraints prevent this, drive thru lanes should
       -  The site layout should provide adequate safe       be designed to suit a large family saloon. All
         pedestrian access for parked customers and          drive thru changes must be verified via swept
         customers entering the site on foot or by bike.     path analysis from a Highways Engineer.

       -  The  restaurant  should provide a dine in          Refer to separate design guidance for Multipoint
         experience equal to an instore.                     drive thru design. As set out in the Multipoint
                                                             drive thru  design manual, all proposals must
       -  An element of alfresco dining should be            be  approved  by the  McDonald’s drive  thru
         provided by external  seating,  safe from           Governance Team.
         vehicular traffic.

       -  Be able to be serviced safely from within the

       -  Must  promote  itself to  passing customers
         through  appearance, building signage and
         long range (road) signage.

       -  Where  required  provide  click +  serve  line

       - Where  required  provide a courier  partner

        D3.1           Layout and Design                   1.0                        08 October 2014
        D3.2           Drive Thru Lanes                    1.0                        08 October 2014
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