Page 35 - B6118-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_(P18)_Contractors Manual
P. 35


         D3.3 Car Parking and Pedestrian Access

         Consideration must be given by the designer to
         limit the amount of cross over between dine in
         customers and McDelivery  partners. The ideal
         situation is the McDelivery partners park and
         enter the building away from dine in customers.

         Click and serve white lining should be installed
         as   part  of  the  COTF  works  where  desired  by
         the  Franchisee.  Any  existiing grill bay numbers
         should be removed to avoid any duplication of
         the click anf serve numbering.

         - The  numbering  should commence  on  the
         first  parking  bay  available  for  customers  when
         entering the site.

         - The number should be installed to the rear of
         the parking space.

         -  All bays should  recieve a Click and  Serve
         number including the accessible  and any
         parent and child bays,  with the exception of
         EVCP bays.

         Any grill bays situated in the main car park should
         have the numbers removed and be replaced
         with yellow lining cross hatching.

         Where McDelivery partner bays  are installed,
         these should also be denoted by yellow lining
         cross hatching with associated DOT signage.

         As part of COTF a courier shelter can be installed.
         This  should  be  away from  the  main dine  in
         customer traffic but will ideally be located in a
         position where the externally facing McDelivery
         ORB can be seen.

          D3.3           Car Parking and Pedestrian Access   2.0                        14 December 2022
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