Page 38 - World Airnews Magazine January 2020 Edition
P. 38
Introducing the new
Pratt & Whitney PT6
E-Series engine. It is the
first turboprop engine
in general aviation to
offer a dual-channel
integrated electronic
propeller and engine
control system, pushing
innovation to a new level
The first dual-channel integrated electronic
propeller and engine control system in
the general aviation turboprop market
torque to provide optimal engine power a reduction of at least 15% in hourly engine
and performance throughout all phases of operating costs***.
ratt & Whitney, a division of United flight. In fact, the new turbine design of the It is a step-change for customers and pilots,
PTechnologies Corporati on, along PT6E-67XP engine, which powers the Pilatus delivering an enhanced service level. The new
ESP offers the most comprehensive coverage
with Pilatus and Honeywell, have much to PC-12 NGX aircraft, allows for quicker climb, plan, including foreign object damage repair
greater speed and a 10% increase in power*
celebrate with the launch of the new PC-12 to reach the destination faster. and environmental protection. This full pro-
NGX aircraft as it is powered by the new tection plan also includes overhaul, scheduled
Pratt & Whitney PT6 E-Series engine. THE DIGITAL CONNECTION, PUTTING line maintenance, fuel nozzle refurbishment,
It is the first turboprop engine in general CUSTOMERS A STEP AHEAD unscheduled hot section inspection, basic un-
aviation to offer a dual-channel integrated Since the engine is digitally connected, more scheduled repair, accessory repair and more.
electronic propeller and engine control than 100 parametres are monitored to allow Customers who enrol in the ESP can benefit
system, pushing innovation to a new level. for predictive analysis of the engine and even more from the engine's digital connec-
The company is also enhancing its Eagle system operation and proactive mainte- tivity. While owners, pilots and maintainers
Service Plan for the PT6 E-Series engine. nance planning. As the electronic engine have access to the engine's performance
"Pratt & Whitney is very excited to be control (EEC) receives all engine and key data, the ESP PT6 E-Series takes it one step
launching the new PT6 E-Series engine and aircraft data, it is able to make adjustments further. The data will be sent for trend moni-
to have been selected by Pilatus to power to optimize and deliver the right engine toring and, if required, for troubleshooting.
its new PC-12 NGX aircraft. We are setting a power needed throughout the flight. Armed with this information, Pratt &
new standard for general aviation's leading Once the aircraft lands, all the engine Whitney's predictive analytics team - ded-
engine- the PT6," said Maria Della Posta, flight data is wirelessly downloaded**, pro- icated engineers and data analysts - will
president, Pratt & Whitney Canada. viding operators and maintainers valuable provide personalized, high-tech proactive
"We have injected into this new engine the new insights into the performance and recommendations to equip customers and
knowledge that we have acquired over nearly health of the engine. maintainers with new insights about their
a century of innovation and more than 1.5 This allows advanced planning of any engine and the latest technical information
billion hours of operational expertise to pro- maintenance needs, so that customers to maximize the engine's time on wing and
vide in flying and in customer service. We are can maximize their operations and reduce reduce operating costs. With no minimum
proud to say that general aviation's number their costs, flying when they need to and flying hour thresholds and a dedicated
one engine just got even better." for longer periods. Insights gained through single point of contact, the new ESP makes
EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE OF THE the new data maximizes the already high, the flying experience simple all around.
Customers can take advantage of the ESP
designed-in engine availability provided by
NEW PT6 E-SERIES ENGINE the 600 hour maintenance interval which PT6 E-Series plan when they purchase the
The advanced technology behind the PT6 has been increased from 300 hours, and aircraft through their Pilatus dealer. Q
E-Series engine provides a more intuitive 43% longer time between overhaul (TBO)
way of flying with simplified operations. At intervals, which increases to 5,000 hours. *At sea level - compared to the PT6A-67P
the push of a button, the pilot can start and ESP for the PT6 E-Series engine: offers cus- engine model.
stop the engine while being protected against tomers unmatched coverage and leading-edge ** Data analysis requires Pratt & Whitney
hot and hung starts. The single lever and data insights to maximize on wing availability. Eagle Service Plan or CAMP Engine Health
integrated electronic propeller and engine The ESP for the PT6 E-Series engine, Monitoring.
control system allows precise engine control transferrable at aircraft sale, has been *** Compared to ESP™ Gold for PT6A-
by constantly monitoring temperature and designed so that owners can benefit from powered PC-12 NG aircraft.
World Airnews | January 2020
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