Page 53 - World Airnews Magazine January 2020 Edition
P. 53


             The overall winners in the best handicap speed were the            In second place was Joshua and Mark
          team of Munaf Sayyed and Ricardo Baruffa in a C172 ZS-OET                  Dethian in their PA28-180 ZS-ELL

           Jonty first handed over the GPS league   and Bernard Jansen in a Sabre ZU-DIY.  winners were the team of David Ross and
         competitor trophies, and then the host   The overall winners in the best handicap   James Braid in a Sling 2 ZU-JAR, in second
         club trophy went to the Mach 1 Flight   speed were the team of Munaf Sayyed and   place was Hendrik and Jandre Loots in their

         Training School owner Lee Petersen, and   Ricardo Baruffa in a C172 ZS-OET, in second   Sling ZU-IHK and in third place was Quinten
         then the placing for the best handicap   place was Joshua and Mark Dethian in their   Kruger and Johan Whiteman in their PA28-
         speed and thereafter the most accurate   PA28-180 ZS-ELL and in third place Apie   235 ZS-FVV.
         / shortest route flown.  Winners of the   and Frederick Kotzee in their R66 ZS-HRS.  The next speed rally event will be in Wit-
         GPS league were the team of Ray Wilford   The most accurate / shortest route flown   bank February 1, 2020. Q

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                                                   World Airnews | January 2020
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