Page 54 - World Airnews Magazine January 2020 Edition
P. 54

SPEED RACE                                                                                                               SNIPPETS

                                  GRAND PRIX STYLE  -                                                                                              LATEST WORLD AIR

                                  SPRINGS SPEED RALLY                                                                                                              NEWS

                                                                                            By Rob Jonkers                                              A round up of avia�on news briefs from
                                                                                                                                                                  around the world

               s an extension of the                                                                                               JAT TEHNIKA ACHIEVES EASA      ANNE TO RETIRE       engineering, allowing the pro-  the capacity of 40,000 fl ight hours
        ASpeed Rally held on                                                                                                        APPROVAL ON THE SSJ100                             gramme to move from fi rm concept   per year and train approximately
        the same day, the South African                                                                                                                      Chicago, Illinois – Boeing has an-  to fl ying two production-relevant   4,000 pilots.

        Power Flying Association (SAP-                                                                                             Belgrade, Serbia – Jat Tehnika   nounced that Anne Toulouse, senior   jets within 36 months.   As aviation experts predict, Asia
        FA) decided to look at a Grand                                                                                             Ltd. successfully achieved the   vice president of Communications,   “From the beginning, we knew our   Pacifi c area demand for new
        Prix version with the view to                                                                                              EASA Part.145 approval for   has elected to step down from her   design would change the way the   commercial pilots will account for
        have more spectator value in                                                                                               various line and base maintenance   role at year end and retire next year   industry designs, develops and   38% of the global demand with
        two mediums, one being visual,                                                                                             activities on the Superjet 100   after 30 years with the company.  proves out new aircraft,” said Paul   more than half of it to fulfi l China’s
        and the other watching it on a                                                                                             (SSJ100) regional jet, with the   “Anne has been an outstanding   Niewald, Boeing senior director and   market. Boeing has just recently
                                                                                                                                                                                       T-7 chief engineer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 updated their forecast for the up-
        live tracking screen.                                                                                                      support of SuperJet International   leader and committed contributor          coming twenty years, stating that
         As a concept it was master                                                                                                for necessary personnel training,   to Boeing over her entire career,”   “From the beginning, we looked   Chinese carriers will need 8,090
        minded by Jonty Esser to try                                                                                               spares and technical services.   said Muilenburg.    to use T-7 as a way to change   new planes until 2038, which
                                                                                                                                                                                       the way aircraft are designed and
        out.                                                                                                                       This new co-operation will enable   “I could not be more grateful for   developed so that we can bring   exceeds the previously predicted
         The circuit is akin to a grand                                                                                            Jat Tehnika to perform a wide   her dedication to this company,   safe, mission-ready systems to   fi gure by 5.2%.
        prix circuit in the sky. The format                                                                                        range of line and base services   her One Boeing leadership style,   our customers more quickly and   With the plot of fi ve hectares select-
        remained exactly the same as                                                                                               on the SSJ100 at its own facilities   and her strong commitment to   affordably than in the past.”  ed in the Zhengzhou Airport Eco-
        the speed rally, any type of                                                                                               in Belgrade, Nikola Tesla airport,   investing in our people and culture.  The award was presented during   nomic Zone (ZAEZ) the companies
        aircraft can take part, is handi-                                                                                          Serbia, as well as in other selected   “Above all, I also want to thank   Aviation Week’s annual Programme   are set to build a state-of-art training

        capped with the intent to look                                                                                             line outstations.         her for her tireless efforts as we   Excellence Awards, an industry event   facilities of almost 5,000 m² that will

        at a simultaneous finish over      Winners of the first ever Grand Prix Speed Rally event in Springs were  SAC (South      Miroslav Musulin, CEO of Jat Teh-  worked through the challenges of   celebrating advancements in aero-  accommodate six Airbus and Boeing

        the finish line.                        African Aerobatics Club) Team - ZU-NDH - Nigel Hopkins and Mary de Klerk           nika said,  “We continue with our   the past year.  I understand her   space innovation and technology.  family full fl ight simulators, training

         The course was around 60 nm                                                                                               strategic goal to be among the most   decision to retire and appreciate       devices, modern classrooms and a
        long and consisted of three laps                     scheduled.                                                            advanced MRO key players in the   her commitment to ensuring a   BAA TRAINING CHINA  luxury lounge zone.

        of 20 nm each, so that at each lap you can see how the competi-  An improvement in the starting system is planned.         market of state-of the art aircraft   smooth transition.”                     Strategically located the centre is

        tors are closing up. The track is in fact a corridor, similar as is done                                                   such as Boeing MAX, Airbus NEO   Boeing expects to name a succes-  Vilnius, Lithuania – A ground   15 minutes’ drive to the Zheng-

        in the Air Navigation Race (ANR), and the idea was to keep within   Thus the official ranking of the first ever Grand Prix Speed Rally in   and Superjet 100. Safety and envi-  sor in the near future.  breaking ceremony marked the start   zhou Airport, allowing pilots

        that corridor. If you go out of bounds then the idea is that you will   the World are:                                     ronment protection are our greatest   “Over the course of my Boeing   of BAA Training China construction   to minimise travelling time for

        receive an instant penalty – if the live tracking is working.  1st Place - SAC (South African Aerobatics Club) Team - ZU-NDH -   achievements and we will continue   career I have been fortunate to   - a modern six full fl ight simulator   training. The well-developed
         Every corridor infringement would result in a 15 second “close   Nigel Hopkins and Mary de Klerk                          to support the similar projects with   know and work with some of the   aviation training centre. Follow-  infrastructure will fulfi l not only the

        the throttle” penalty.                                 2nd Place - Fast Flame Team - ZU-IHH - Johan van Eeden and Cor      the same pace in the future”.  most talented, principled, and   ing the Joint Venture agreement   technical needs for the training
         A track was laid out, and Jonty and a number of selected teams   Esterhuizen                                              “SJI is very pleased to welcome   impressive people anywhere,”   between Avia Solutions Group and   centre establishment, but also the

        started to practice the concept. This type of navigation is one that   3rd Place - Prompt Roofing Team - ZU-LNC - Leon Joubert and   JAT Tehnika as partner for   Toulouse, 61, became interim   Henan Civil Aviation Development   future development projects.

        does not require one to look for an intersection or a dam wall.   Sandi Goddard                                            maintenance activities and MRO   senior vice president of Com-  and Investment Company (HNCA)    “We are eager to enter China’s

        The resolution requires that one is able to fly through a needle,   4th Place - Airshow South Africa - ZU-LVE - Father and Son - Ivan   choice for SSJ100 Operators.   munications, reporting to Dennis   signed in July, 2019, the companies   aviation training market, and
                                                                                                                                   Considering the long-lasting
        looking for the red carport next to the green house roof. The   and Jeandre van der Schaar                                 experience of JAT Tehnika   Muilenburg, Boeing’s President   are moving to the new BAA training   to work on synergies with local
        track is only 0.8 nm in width, providing manoeuvring room in the   5th Place - Lick you Lips - ZU-JAR - David Ross and James Braid  organization, we are confi dent that   and CEO, in September 2018.    centre in Zhengzhou city, Henan   government and partners in order
        sometimes constant turns and chicanes.                 Shared 6th Place - Pilot Insure Team - ZU-BLL - Jonathan and Jon-   this partnership will smooth the   She served on the company’s   province (China) establishment.   to contribute to the Henan aviation

         The way to win is as with a Formula 1 race. Keep to the inside   ty Esser with SAPFA Team - ZU-LAX - Eric and Antionette Addison  access to fl exible maintenance   Executive Council and took over   The training centre is set to open   market development projects”,

        of the track to obtain the shortest route, as the handicap is based   As a concept, this is still in its infancy. The Sport Aerobatics Club   services to SSJ100 operators. The   the permanent communications   its door in the second half of 2020   said Egle Vaitkeviciute, CEO BAA

        on the centre of the course. Thus the objective is to fly a route   (SAC) has expressed great interest in being part of this new format,   agreement confi rms the SSJ100   role in February of 2019.  and will be designed to provide   training. Q
        shorter that the median by hugging the inside track and keeping   as have Airshows South Africa. The handicapping will still require   programmes commitment in pro-  After joining the company in 1989

        far enough away for no corridor infringements. The handicapping   some work, but with sufficient data, this can be developed. Q  viding its customers with an open   as a media relations manager at

        speeds were provided by Rob Jonkers who looked at the circuit,                                                             market “ecosystem” capable of   McDonnell Douglas, Toulouse
        the turns and overall distance to make an educated calculation.                                                            offering a wide range of services   advanced to lead Boeing’s global

         After the main Speed Rally event and a second briefing, the                                                               directly,” said Stefano Marazzani,   brand-building programs, helping

        selected seven competitors for the GP were set off by Jacques                                                              chief executive offi cer of SuperJet   position the company for growth in its

        Jacobs. It was a closely contested race.                                                                                   International.            second century.
         After touchdown, a champagne cork popping podium winners                                                                  “Thanks to our state-of-the-art air-

        circle was held with trophies handed over, just like F1.                                                                   craft and the experience we have   BOEING T-7A AWARD
         Sadly, two gremlins crept in to achieve the intended desired                                                              being achieved in these last years,
        result, the first being having a live-track system working well                                                            SuperJet International is ready to   St Louis, Missouri – The Boeing

        enough to give in-flight penalties for corridor excursions, and two                                                        meet customers’ needs trusting   T-7A Advanced Pilot Training Sys-

        competitors incurred penalties ZU-BLL and ZU-LAX, which should                                                             in a recovery of the European   tem has received Aviation Week

        have resulted in a DNF (Did Not Finish).                                                                                   regional market,” said Nazario   Network’s Game Changer Award.
         This was only analysed after the event once the loggers were                                                              Cauceglia, chairman of SuperJet   The programme was recognised for

        downloaded. A second gremlin showed the take-off times were                                                                international.            its innovative use of model-based

        not adhered to. This meant some competitors left earlier than   Host club trophy went to the Mach 1 flight training school
                                                  World Airnews | January 2020                                                                                            World Airnews | January 2020
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