Page 59 - World Airnews Magazine January 2020 Edition
P. 59

AFRICA            AFRICA

 AIR TRANSPORT IN AFRICA  these reservations deserve to be heard   It should be remembered that aviation is   ment for the development of

         and taken into account, SAATM is a con-
                                                                                       aviati on

         tinuous process. The Executing Agency   the first global industry to have voluntarily   •  To develop the human capital

                                             committed to stabilizing its CO2 emissions

 African Airlines Association secretary general Abderahmane   which is AFCAC has been working to move   from 2020 and to reduce by half by 2050   required to support the growth of
         SAATM process forward in the best possi-
                                                                                       civil aviation

                                             despite growth forecasts for the sector.
 Berthé provided this overview of air transport in Africa  ble conditions and expeditiously.  There are several ways to contain avia-  •  To promote cooperation between

           Furthermore, we believe that African   tion environmental impact:         the African airlines: to undertake the

         aviation needs both "small" and "large"   •  Renewal of fleets with fuel-efficient   implementation of joint initiatives

         airlines. Africa is a vast continent and to   aircraft ,                    aimed at reducing operating costs for

 he African continent is home to   effectively serve it, African airlines must   •  Use of biofuels  airlines, increase revenue and market

         work together. Mergers and consolidations

 T17% of the global populati on but   will certainly be needed.  •  Use of new propulsion methods  share: Joint purchase programs, Afri-

 its air traffic accounts for less than 3% of   SAATM will allow a harmonious develop-  •  Use of shorter air routes   can Alliance.

 global traffic.  ment of air transport and result in better   At AFRAA, we support industry efforts   •  To strengthen data intelligence

 African airlines lose an average of (US)   profitability for Africa airlines.   (aircraft manufacturers, ICAO, IATA, …) to   through:

 $1.54 per passenger carried while globally   reduce aviation environmental footprint. We   •  market surveys and statistical

 airlines earn (US) $6.12 per passenger carried.  TAXES  focus on awareness raising and training of our   studies
 Today, in several parts of the world you   Aviation is often considered by some   member airlines on environmental issues.  •  consultancy services

 can fly for 1.5 hours for less than $100   governments as a potential source for   We want an air transport where African

 while in Africa total taxes on the ticket are   raising funds. Unlike the other modes of   ROLE OF AFRAA  airlines will be economically successful with

 often higher than $100.  transport, it is highly taxed which increases   AFRAA membership currently stands at 43   enhanced connectivity and contribute to the

 Passenger traffic between Africa and the   air fares out of the reach of passengers   African airlines carrying more than 85% of   economic integration of the African continent.

 rest of the world is dominated by non-Afri-  especially in Africa.  intra-African traffic. The Association was   THE FUTURE OF AFRICAN AIR TRANS-

 can carriers often charging exorbitant fares.  Whereas in Europe you can travel for less   created in 1968 and is based in Nairobi, Kenya.  PORT

 Out of 55 African states, only 8 have   than $100, in Africa only taxes range from   It focuses on promoting a sustainable, in-

 direct flights to more than 20 other African   $50 to $100 depending on the country.  terconnected and affordable Air Transport   Africa is a continent with great develop-

 states. Quite often, the passenger is obliged   The role of air transport in economic de-  industry in Africa where African Airlines   ment potential. To harness this potential,

 to transit through one or several stopovers.  velopment should be better understood by   become key players and drivers to African   all stakeholders will have to play their role

                                                                                and promote an efficient and sustainable

 This data should challenge all stake-  governments and they should place it at the   economic development.”
 holders to commit to creating a conducive   core of their national development policies.  It serves African airlines and champions   air transport system.

                                                                                  Considering the vast area of the African

 environment for the development of air      Africa’s aviation industry.        continent, the absence of adequate ground

 traffic in Africa.  COST OF FUEL            PRIORITIES FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS  infrastructure, the high growth rate of Af-

 MAIN CHALLENGES FOR AFRICAN   On average fuel accounts for 25% of airline   •  To maintain a good level of safety and   rican economies and population, air trans-

         operating costs worldwide. In Africa this av-
 AIRLINES  erage is higher at 35%. In several stations,   security.             port will play a key role in the development

 The air transport industry is facing a host of   the evolution of fuel prices is not in tandem   •  To increase African airlines market   of the continent.

 challenges:  with oil price trends on international   share in the global air transport.  According to experts, air traffic in Africa

 •  High operating costs due to high   markets. This is due to lack of transparency   •  To achieve a sustainable air transport:  is expected to double every 15 years. We
 taxes on ground and in air  around pricing by local suppliers.  •  To lobby stakeholders and policy   must be prepared to

 •  Inadequate infrastructure  In addition, some States are taxing fuel   makers for a conducive environ-  absorb this growth. Q
 •  High price of fuel compared to the   and therefore do not comply with the Chi-

 rest of the world  cago convention recommendations.

 •  High level of taxes on airlines and   AFRAA and IATA (International Air Trans-

 passengers  port Association) are working together

 •  Restrictions on traffic rights  to raise the awareness of States and fuel
         suppliers in order to address this issue.
 •  Restrictions on visas to passengers  The high economic growth rate, the   The objective of SAATM is to remove all

 Fleet financing is also a critical challenge   young African population and the emer-  restrictions on traffic rights, frequencies,   NEED FOR COOPERATION

 for African airlines which encounter difficul-  gence of a middle class are all great oppor-  capacity and tariffs.  African airlines must enhance their

 ties in accessing funding due to perceived   tunities to be grasped.  Expected and confirmed benefits in sev-  cooperation to drive down their costs

 risk by international financial institutions.   eral other regions of the world are: better   and increase revenue. AFRAA encourages

 African development banks should address   MARKET ACCESS  connectivity, decrease of travel time and   regional initiatives in this regard.

 this problem by putting in place adequate   The Single African Air Transport Market   reduction of air fares to make air transport   Cooperation can be of several types: cap-

 funding mechanisms for African airlines.  (SAATM) project was launched in January   affordable for as many Africans as possible.  ital, commercial, technical and operational,

 Nevertheless, alongside the challenges   2018 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Since then,    Some Member States are still reticent   etc. "Lager" airlines could help "smaller" ones

 there are opportunities and all the stake-  a total of 28 States have signed the solemn   and have not yet signed SAATM mainly for   to grow through enhanced cooperation.

 holders should work towards harnessing   commitment. These signatory States   two (2) reasons:  At AFRAA we have recently launched several

 them for African aviation to prosper:  represent 51% of AU member states, 61%   •  The fear for their national airlines to   initiatives aimed at raising the level of cooper-

 •  The Single African Air Transport Mar-  of the population and 65% of the gross   be driven out of business by the com-  ation among our member airlines in different

 ket (SAATM) to improve connectivity  domestic product (GDP).  petition from larger African carriers   areas including training, flight schedule coordi-

 •  The African Continental Free Trade   10 of the 28 signatory States have already   led some States to protecting their   nation, technical and operations etc.

 Area (AfCFTA) to boost intra African   fully implemented the immediate measures   national flag carriers.

 trade  recommended by AFCAC (African Civil Avi-  •  The regulatory framework of which   ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES

 •  The Free movement protocol for   ation Commission) in order to achieve the   a key component is the mechanism   Public opinion is increasingly sensitive to

 people, goods, capital and services to   realization of SAATM.  for settlement of disputes having   environmental issues. The environmental

 facilitate investment  18 States have also signed a Memorandum   not been finalized, some States are   impact of air transport is particularly about

 These various projects initiated by the Af-  of implementation (MoI) with a view to har-  skeptical about SAATM immediate   air pollution, noise pollution and global

 rican Union should contribute to improving   monizing their bilateral agreements with the   operational capability.  warming. Aviation accounts for about 2% of
 the fortunes of airlines.  provisions of Yamoussoukro Decision.  At AFRAA, we believe that although   global emissions.
 World Airnews | January 2020                      World Airnews | January 2020
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