Page 56 - World Airnews Magazine January 2020 Edition
P. 56


                                  KING OF THE AIR

                                                    Currently flying charters on BE 200s, Dominique
                                                          Lenzen is a rising star in aviation. Our World

                                                      Airnews correspondent Mike Wright caught up
                                                                                                     with her

                 eet 26-year-old King Air pilot
       MDominique Lenzen.
         Although today she dreams of flying for

        a large, international, commercial airline,
        young Dominique didn’t always have her
        hopes set on aviation as her career choice.

         “I’m not one of those pilots who knew
        they wanted to fly since they could walk.

        But I do remember staring up at the sky
        when I was playing hockey at high school
        and looking up at the planes and wondering
        where they had been and where they were
         She went to school at Danville Park Girls
        High School which is right next to the
        Virginia airport so you can imagine during
        lessons she was always the one looking
        out the window when a Citation or King Air

        took off.
         In her last year at high school Dominique

        said she was still uncertain as to what she
        wanted to do, but what she did know was
        - she didn’t want to sit in an office all day

        behind a computer.
         One night while having dinner with her
        parents, Dominique’s mom suggested may-
        be she should be a pilot.

         “I gave it some thought and, after listen-
        ing to Bruce Daniels talk about becoming
        a pilot at my schools career evening, I was
         Dominique managed to get her commer-
        cial pilot’s licence in just 18 months, with                           Nelspruit and back in a C206.
        instrument rating and multi-engine rating   more females in the industry – especially   On the way back they noticed quite a

        as well as a grade three flight instructor.   instructors.”            low oil pressure but they thought it was
         In 2012 she passed her Airline Transport   Dominique’s advice to aspiring pilots is   possibly because we had been in a constant
        Pilot License exams and then became an   never to let anyone tell you that you can’t   descent. They also checked the pitch to

        instructor at Ayre, a flight school which   do it - especially if you are a woman.   confirm they had oil.

        was based at Virginia Airport.  She said   “If you think flying is something you   When they were abeam King Shaka the
        that there is no better feeling than when   want to pursue you need to be willing to   engine started surging and gave them

        students pass an exam because you have   put in a lot of hard work and be willing to   the fright of their lives and they instant-
        helped them or when they are doing an air   learn. They say you never stop learning   ly turned to King Shaka. They were on
        exercise that you have taught them and   in this industry and nothing comes easy   finals and everything seemed fine so they

        they get it right.                 so you really need to have the passion for   thought lets go to Virginia. As they changed
         “Seeing the happiness on their faces and   fl ying.”                  frequency to Virginia the engine started

        knowing you have passed on your knowl-  Asked what her best flight has been to   surging again. Luckily runway 23 was in
        edge to them really makes all the hard work   date, Dominique said it was when she took   use and they were close and landed safely.

        and effort worth it.”              her dad flying for the first time, and “I was   Once the two pilots got out they saw all

         Working in an industry that is quite   really excited to finally take my dad flying.    the oil had leaked from a hole in the crank

        strongly dominated by males, Dominique   After we landed my dad gave me a hug and   case. It was quite a scary experience and
        said she hopes to give the aviation industry   told me how proud he was of me.”  they were very lucky that nothing else

        a little more female representation.   And commenting on experience that our   happened.

         “There is never a dull moment around   readers could learn from she said she was   What she took from the experience is

        a group of males, but we really do need   doing a flight with another instructor up to   that if you ever suspect something is wrong
                                                  World Airnews | January 2020
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