Page 17 - World Airnews Magazine March 2020 Edition
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    The IFIS is a biennial international event that brings together                         13-17
 MARKET  some three hundred participants from flight inspection                         DATE  JULY
    organizations representing approximately forty-five countries.

 Article by Sucheta Goyal, Rachana Gandhi and Amit Gulhane from                             INTERNATIONAL
 MarketsandMarkets                                                                       VENUE  CONVENTION CENTRE,
                   The South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA)                       DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA
 The development of autonomous aircraft for urban air mobility will   Proudly presents the

 he business jets market is witnessing technological ad-  be used for business travel within the city. The involvement and
 Tvancements, right from structural materials to propulsion   focus of leading players such as Airbus and Boeing on the devel-
 opment and commercialization of autonomous aircraft. Industry

 technologies. Established players in this market are moving toward   experts claim that remotely controlled aircraft will commercialize

 new-age technologies.   first, and post its success, fully autonomous aircraft will enter the   INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT

 For instance, Embraer, through its disruptive business subsidiary   market.

 EmbraerX, recently unveiled a new Electric Vertical Take-off and   In November 2018, Aurora Flight Sciences, a subsidiary of Boeing,
 Landing (eVTOL) aircraft, which will be part of urban air mobility. It   introduced Odysseus, which is the world’s most capable solar-pow-

 is expected to reduce travel time within a city and can save costs   ered autonomous aircraft. Odysseus is an ultra-long endurance,   INSPECTION SYMPOSIUM

 when compared to traditional air taxis.   high-altitude aircraft.

 Bell (US) plans to develop hybrid engines to satisfy short distance

 urban operations, and later moving to fully electric engines. Many   ELECTRIC PROPULSION  SHIFT YOUR PERSPECTIVE

 start-ups can offer a promising competition or be prospective   Electric business aircraft will be small, cheap, and less polluting

 collaborators for established market players, including Bombar-  than conventional business jets. eVTOL aircraft will be equipped   ON FLIGHT INSPECTIONS

 dier, Embraer, Gulfstream and Textron. These start-ups include   with autonomous and Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP)
 XTI Aircraft Company (US), Lilium (Germany), Zunum Aero (US) and   systems which will eventually be used as vertical business jets.

 Kitty Hawk (US) among others.   According to Uber, if all the vital elements in a VTOL ecosystem,
 In the past 15 years the market has boomed from 2006 to 2008   such as regulators, vehicle designers, communities, cities, and

 and then seen a sudden downfall starting 2009. But since 2016   network operators, can work together effectively, the company   Navigation in today’s airspace

 there has been a steady growth.   will be able to introduce autonomous electric flying aircraft in the   is evolving into satellite-based

 Factors such as the increasing number of billionaires, upcom-  coming decade.             navigation with performance-
 ing new programmes and the aging fleet are contributing to the   In January 2019, Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company, revealed   based flight procedures and fully

 growth of this market. Challenges faced by this market include the   the configuration of a full-scale vertical-takeoff-and-landing (VTOL)

 rise in fuel prices, uncertainty of order books and unavailability of   air taxi vehicle during CES 2019. The air taxi, named Bell Nexus, is   integrated cockpits. UAVs are
 airports in remote areas.  powered by a hybrid-electric propulsion system and features Bell’s   making inroads into the flight

 Aircraft with Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) capability and   signature powered lift concept incorporating six tilting ducted fans   inspection domain.

 environment-friendly propulsion technologies including electric   that are designed to safely and efficiently redefine air travel.

 and hybrid engines are expected to reduce the operating costs   In June 2019, EmbraerX unveiled a new electric flying vehicle

 drastically and serve as an opportunity for the market growth up   concept during Uber Elevate Summit 2019 in Washington, D.C. The   IFIS will showcase emerging

 to 2030. Such upcoming aircraft programmes are expected to con-  aircraft concept, with electric vertical take-off and landing capa-

 tribute to the growth of the business jets market post-2025.  bility, is part of the EmbraerX multi-project approach. EmbraerX is   technologies utilized by the

 An analysis by MarketsandMarkets indicates that the Business   working on a collaborative effort with   aerospace industry and allow

 Jets Market is expected to reach (US) 36.4 billion by 2030, at a   Uber to enable and accelerate the urban mobility ecosystem.   organizations the opportunity
 CAGR of 3.6% from 2019 to 2030.                                                           to display their products and
 FUTURISTIC TRENDS   SUCH AS AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST                                    services.

 SOPHISTICATION OF CABIN INTERIORS   The business aviation industry of emerging economies, such as
 South Africa, India and China is expected to witness growth due to
 The business jets market is experiencing a lot of technological   the receding impact of the economic slowdown.   SYMPOSIUM WILL
 advancements, right from structural materials to propulsion   In recent years, Africa has seen an increase in the number of   SHOWCASE:
 technologies.   billionaires in a remarkable way. The growth in the High Net Worth        Presentations, panel sessions,
 Business jet cabins are beings upgraded with advancements in   Individuals (HNWIs) propels the increase in the procurement rate   technical forums and trade
 components and systems to enhance the passenger experience   of business jets. HNWIs buy private jets due to the high traffic on

 by providing comfortable, spacious and luxurious cabin equipped   roads, the need for personal security, and their inclination toward   show exhibitions.

 with In-flight Entertainment and Connectivity (IFEC) systems and   luxury.

 soothing cabin lighting. It also has a cabin management system,   This is expected to be one of the major drivers for the business

 which includes controls of all cabin environmental functions such   jets market to expand in the Africa region.   VISIT FOR MORE INFORMATION
 as lighting, temperature, wastewater management and IFE.  The African business jets market is projected to grow at a CAGR

 In May 2018, ACJ created a new cabin design concept called Har-
 mony, which combines the comfort and space of a spacious body   of 4.2% from 2019 to 2030. The growth of the market is driven by   SIGNATURE SPONSOR:  MAJOR SPONSORS:
 the increase in VVIP and business transport in the region, as well as

 cabin with the practicality to suit the longest of flights.

 the growth in the tourism sector.
 World Airnews | March 2020                         World Airnews | March 2020
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