Page 27 - World Airnews Magazine April 2020 Edition
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supported, as long as enforceable guidelines remain in place to structure, monitor business development and be used to survey FIRST RUSSIAN
curb reckless use. construction projects.
• Professional Photography: The film and media • Medical Support: Drones can be used to transfer essential med-
industry have already started profiting from the ical supplies and samples to inaccessible coastal regions, as well
benefits offered through the employment of drones for photog- as between shore-located areas and offshore vessels or remote NAVY AIRCRAFT
raphy and professional videography. Utilising this technology regions (e.g. Marion Island). Drones could also be used in this
in a marine environment would be no different, and would capacity to transport medical supplies between ocean-faring
offer the same benefits, most notably accessibility to remote vessels (ship-to-ship). By Vladimir Karnozov
regions that may be impossible (or too expensive) to reach using • Commodities and Logistics: Drones can be used to carry goods,
normal aviation options. Film, TV, online media, printed media, freight and other items of value to inaccessible coastal regions,
advertising and real estate will all benefit from this technol- as well as between shore-located areas and offshore vessels or
ogy, whether it is used over terrestrial regions or in a marine remote regions (e.g. Marion Island). Drones could also be used
environment. in this capacity to transport items between ocean-faring vessels
• Climate, Weather and Sea State: The introduction to this (ship-to-ship).
article showcased the potentially turbulent marine environ- • Wreck Surveillance: Many hundreds of shipwrecks lie dotted
ment under South African jurisdiction. It could be benefi- along the Southern African coastline, or lie submerged just
cial to use drones to assist with the monitoring of climatic, offshore. Wrecks could be of national importance (of historic
oceanic and other marine-related weather phenomena. Data value), requiring constant monitoring for condition, or could
captured by airborne or surface (sea-faring) drones could be simply pose a safety risk if it starts to break apart. Drones could
vital to track weather patterns, draw trends and predict the be used to monitor the condition of wrecks.
formation of potentially dangerous or destructive weather • Education: Drones could be essential tools utilised by education
or climatic conditions. Drones could be used to monitor and institutions; this is true for terrestrial or marine applications.
capture data on sea states, ocean and air temperatures, Drones and drone technologies are seen as important factors
tides, wave patterns, currents, wind conditions, ice flows, within Industry 4.0, which showcases “disruptive technolo-
rain and cloud formation, weather patterns, severe weather gies” such as robotics, smart sensors, the Internet-of-Things,
(including cyclones) and provide assistance during severe augmented reality and 3D manufacturing – many of which are
weather damage control. prevalent in the world of drones. Educators could tap into this
• Disaster Management: Drones can be essential tools to assist resource and, whether the application is terrestrial or marine,
emergency services and control points in the event of a mari- could help stimulate young minds towards novel solutions and
time or coastal disaster. This could include flooding, landslides, ultimately a better world.
cyclone or other wind damage, fires, shipwrecks and aviation • Marine Research: Drones (airborne, underwater and sea-faring)
accidents at sea. could be used by research institutions (including the likes of ter-
• Coastal Populace Monitoring and Economic Development: tiary education institutions, CSIR, IMT, Fisheries, and environ-
Drones could be used to monitor coastal expansion and devel- mental-, resource- and energy sectors) to gather vital data for
opment of coastal regions, monitor the development of illegal research purposes, specifically from inaccessible marine-based
settlements, keep an eye on the condition of essential infra- areas. Q
MANUFACTURER Be-200 is the fact that the type relies on assembled Be-200s would go to Russia’s
the D-436 turbofan developed by the Ministry for Emergencies that operates a
he first Beriev Be-200 twin-engine Ivchenko-Progress design house and dozen such aircraft and foreign customers
manufactured by Motor-Sich, both located
such as Azerbaijan , China, Indonesia, and
TEXTRON AVIATION Tamphibian built to a specifi cati on in Ukraine. Chile, as well as US-based Seaplane Global
from the Russian navy has entered trials.
Even though the Moscow-based Salut
It commenced flying on February 14 from plant has mastered a large number of parts Air Services.
All of these customers are comfortable
HARNESSES KANSAS WINDS the aerodrome of Beriev’s Aeronautical of the 16,500-pounds-thrust engine, the with the current-production Be-200ES-E
Complex in Taganrog or TANTK, a member
remainder is imported.
of the United Aircraft Corporation. The government in Kiev has placed a ban version that comes with a restricted type
certificate from the European Aviation
This aircraft is a derivative of the Be-
communities and customers,” said Brad White, Textron Avia- 200ChS factory standard intended for on military export to Russia following the Safety Agency (EASA), enabling operators
tion senior vice president, Operations. search-and-rescue missions with the added events in Donbass and Crimea. to undertake fire-fighting duties, using the
“Textron Aviation claims nearly 20% of the zero-emission This means that D-436s could not be sold aircraft’s capability to scoop 12 tonnes of
extron Aviation has signed a multi-year agreement capability of firefighting. to the Russian defense ministry and com- water in a single run.
Twith Evergy to meet nearly all of its electricity needs and renewable energy generated by the Soldier Creek Wind After completion of factory and customer panies associated with it. Civilian export is So far only China has expressed an inter-
Energy Centre.”
at the company’s facilities located in Wichita and Indepen- acceptance trials, the aircraft will be hand- unrestricted, however, enabling Ukrainian est in an exportable military aircraft based
Kansas wind energy production has surged, and wind energy can
dence, Kansas, by utilising renewable wind energy. now power the needs of large customers such as Textron Aviation. ed over to the Russian navy, according to a companies to render services to Russian on the current platform.
Evergy’s new green energy programme will set Textron The Direct Renewable Participation Service (DRPS) tariff passed recent UAC press statement. non-military organisations and supply them Despite long talks concerning as many
Aviation on a path towards achieving its sustainability goals by the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) in July 2018 enables The Russian defence ministry signed a with new engines and spares. as a dozen examples optimised for search
using Kansas’ abundant, affordable and renewable wind large commercial and industrial customers to access wind energy contract for six aircraft in 2013, only to nul- UAC considered using the PowerJet and rescue and ASW missions, as well
energy. at lower rates than the utility’s current offerings. lify it four years later through a court ruling SaM.146 instead, but about a year ago the as liaison with warships and submarines
The multi-year agreement with Evergy will provide the over the customer’s dispute with industry. Russian government ordered that the Fran- at sea, Russia’s military is yet to place
The DRPS tariff lowers Textron Aviation’s fuel factor cost
Kansas facilities with 55 megawatts (MW) of energy from from 2.3 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) to 1.8 cents per kWh, There is no information concerning co-Russian power plant was inappropriate an order. Beijing has only signed a small
a 300 MW wind farm being constructed near Manhattan, nearly a 22 percent savings. the MoD placing another order for the and that an all-Russian solution be found. contract on firefighting aircraft for the
Kansas, in Nemaha County. The Soldier Creek Wind Farm is type. In all likelihood, the recently flown This could be achieved through devel- national forestry service.
Textron Aviation uses enough energy to power about
scheduled to be online by the end of 2020. 22,500 homes. By supporting wind energy production in example might be used as a technology opment of the PD-8 engine as a down- A more substantial order for a military
“The purchase of renewable energy demonstrates our Kansas, Textron Aviation will significantly offset its carbon demonstrator in an effort to win both scaled PD-14, but the process may take version may not materialise in any case if
commitment to a more sustainable future for our employees, footprint. Q domestic and foreign orders for a military several years. the AVIC TA600 four-engined amphibian
version of the Be-200.
(which debuted at Airshow China 2018)
It was decided, therefore, that in the
The principal issue with a militarised course of the next few years all newly successfully passes trials. Q
World Airnews | April 2020 World Airnews | April 2020
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