Page 31 - World Airnews Magazine April 2020 Edition
P. 31


          from different angles.                               not specifically trained for this purpose, it seems the rigorous

           Over the course of 24 hours, the system processes 250 hours   simulation training also equipped the controller to follow a moving

          of real-world training. Like training wheels, learning in simulation   target precisely.

          mode allows the drone to learn on its own in a safe environment,   The researchers note that there's still work to be done. In this ex-

          before being released into the wild. Eventually, it finds solutions to   periment, they manually adjusted a few parameters on the drones,

          every challenge put in its path.                     for example, limiting maximum thrust, but the next step is to make
           "In simulation we can run hundreds of thousands of scenarios,"   the drones completely independent. The experiment is a promising

          said Molchanov.                                      move towards building sturdy drones that can tune themselves and
                                                               learn from experience.
                                                                Professor Sukhatme, Molchanov's advisor and a Fletcher Jones
          A REAL-WORLD CHALLENGE                               Foundation Endowed Chair in Computer Science, said the research

          To prove their approach, the researchers moved the trained   solves two important problems in robotics: robustness and gener-

          controller onto real drones developed in Ayanian's Automatic   alisation.

          Coordination of Teams Lab. In a netted indoor drone facility, they   "From a safety perspective, robustness is super important. If

          flew the drones and tried to throw them off by kicking and pushing   you're building a flight control system, it can't be brittle and fall
          them.                                                apart when something goes wrong," said Sukhatme.

           The drones were successful in correcting themselves from mod-  "The other important thing is generalisation. Sometimes you
          erate hits (including pushes, light kicks and colliding with an object)   might build a very safe system, but it will be very specialised. This
          90% of the time. Once trained on one machine, the controller was   research shows what a mature and accomplished Ph.D. student can

          able to quickly generalize to quad copters with different dimen-  achieve, and I'm very proud of Artem and the team he assembled."
          sions, weights and sizes.                            Q
           While the researchers focused on robustness in this study, they   Article courtesy:

          were surprised to find the system also performed competitively in   vanced-series-robust-drones.html

          terms of trajectory tracking - moving from point A to B to C. While
                                 GLOBAL SUSPENSION
                                         OF SLOT RULES
                                              •  Future bookings are softening and   services in order to maintain slots. Air-

                                                carriers are reacting with measures   craft can be reallocated to other routes

                                                                               or parked; crew can have certainty on
                   he International Air Transport   such as crew being given unpaid   their schedules.

             TAssociati on has contacted avi-   leave, freezing of pay increases, and   “IATA research has shown that traffic

             ation regulators worldwide to request   plans for aircraft to be grounded.    has collapsed on key Asian routes and

             that the rules governing use of airport   Given these extraordinary circumstanc-  that this is rippling throughout the
             slots be suspended immediately and for   es as a result of the public health emer-  air transport network globally, even

             the 2020 season, due to the impact of   gency, the collective view of the airline   between countries without major

                                              industry is that the application the 80%
             COVID-19 (the Corona virus).     rule during the upcoming season is inap-  outbreaks of COVID-19. There are prec-
               Around 43% of all passengers depart   propriate. Flexibility is needed for airlines   edents for previous suspension of the
             from over 200 slot co-ordinated airports   to adjust their schedules according to   slot use rules and we believe the circum-
             worldwide. At present, the rules for slot   extraordinary demand developments.     stances again calls for a suspension to

             allocation mean that airlines must oper-  Regulators have already been waiving   be granted.”
             ate at least 80% of their allocated slots   the slot rules on a rolling basis during   “We are calling for regulators
             under normal circumstances.      the COVID-19 crisis primarily for   worldwide to help the industry plan
               Failure to comply means the airline los-  operations to China and Hong Kong   for today’s emergency, and the future

             es its right to the slot the next equivalent   SAR. However, given the recent further   recovery of the network, by suspending

             season. In exceptional circumstances,   outbreaks this is no longer contained to   the slot use rules on a temporary basis,
             regulators can relax this requirement.  the Asia markets.         “said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s direc-
               The COVID-19 crisis has had a severe im-  Without certainty that these waivers   tor general and CEO.

             pact on air traffic.  Airlines are experienc-  will continue for the summer season (or   “The world is facing a huge challenge

             ing serious declines in demand including:  winter season in the Southern hemi-  to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while

             •  A carrier experiencing a 26% reduc-  sphere), airlines are unable to plan ahead   enabling the global economy to contin-

               tion across their entire operation in   sufficiently to ensure efficient rostering   ue functioning. Airlines are on the front

               comparison to last year        of crew or deployment of aircraft.   line of that challenge and it’s essential

             •  A hub carrier reporting bookings to   Suspending the requirement for the   that the regulatory community work
               Italy down 108% as bookings collapse   entire season (to October 2020) has   with us to ensure airlines are able to

               to zero and refunds grow       meant that airlines can respond to mar-  operate in the most sustainable manner,

             •  Many carriers reporting 50% no-  ket conditions with appropriate capacity   both economically and environmentally,
                                                                               to alleviate the worst impacts of the
               shows across several markets   levels, avoiding any need to run empty   crisis,” he said. Q
                                                    World Airnews | April  2020
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