Page 28 - World Airnews Magazine April 2020 Edition
P. 28


                                  PHOENIX OF THE

                                  ARMY AVIATION

                                           survival standards of its predecessor, but   increase combat mission capability of the
                                           with new advantages.                aircraft and to meet the requirements of

              he legendary Mi-24P is a well-  Just like the Mi-24P, the aircraft can be   potential customers.

        Tknown worldwide representati ve   operated as a combat helicopter to destroy   The aircraft can be provided with 9M120-

        of the famous Mi-24s family - symbol   tanks and other armored vehicles, as a   1 Ataka or Vikhr laser-guided missiles,

        of combat effectiveness, reliability and   troop carrier to airlift eight troopers, as an   air-to-air missiles, bombing armaments of

        multi-mission capability - has been revived   ambulance to carry two casualties and a   500 kg, caliber 122-mm S-13 rockets, and

        at Rostvertol PJSC premises being a part of   medical attendant, and as a cargo carrier to   12, 7-mm heavy machine gun that can be
        Russian Helicopters Holding Company.   transport cargoes in the cargo cabin (1500   installed in the cargo compartment.
                                           kg) or underslung (2400 kg).

         The Mi-35P versatile combat helicopter                                 In terms of aircraft equipment the helicop-
                                             The basic version of the upgraded Mi-35P
        was mass-produced both for the Soviet   includes:                      ter can be provided with a laser counter-mea-
        Army and export supplies. The history of                               sure system and VOR/ILS/DME systems.

        Mi-24/35 type helicopters’ combat appli-  •  upgraded surveillance and sighting   So in the market of transport-combat

        cation includes more than 30 military con-  system with target detection/identifi-  helicopters Russian Helicopters JSC has

        flicts in different parts of the globe. These   cation range of up to 10/8 km;  unveiled the upgraded Mi-35P capable of

        aircraft have become the first domestical-  •  new digital integrated flight control   performing any combat mission subject to

        ly-produced helicopters specially designed   system enhancing helicopter con-  the specific requirements and budget of

        for combat actions.                    trollability and stability and enabling   potential customers.

         The unique structure and wide-applica-  automatic piloting;            Taking into account that over 250 Mi-

        tion range has enabled a successful oper-  •  modern navigation and electronic   24/35 type helicopters are being operated

        ation of the aircraft various modifications   indication complex including color   in African countries the promising Mi-35P

        ever since, it also provides for intensive   multifunctional displays.  was demonstrated by Russian Helicopters

        upgrades reviving the helicopter again   The basic version of the upgraded Mi-35P   Holding Company to the potential African
        and again with new levels of technology   armament system includes 23-mm movable   partners last October at Russia-Africa Sum-
        while maintaining the advantages of the   nose gun mount, S-8 rockets, suspended   mit and Economic Forum in Sochi.
        basic version.                     containers housing 23-mm gun.        The demand for the revived legend has
         The renewed Mi-35P has inherited    Yet the upgraded Mi-35P is provided with   been already proved by the contract on

        the reliability, combat effectiveness and   a wide range of optional equipment to   supply of helicopter batch. Q
                                                                                                                                                              MI-35P               H     ENIX
                                                                                                                                                               MI-35PH     ENIX

                                                                                    PHOTO BY EVGENY BARANOV

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