Page 32 - World Airnews Magazine April 2020 Edition
P. 32


                                  LOOKING BACK: THE LIBYAN

                                  MILITARY MISSION IN

                                  MALTA BEGINS

                                                               Report by Marvic Bugeja / Chris Cauchi

                                                                     he first helicopters to join the armed forces of Malta
                                                              Twere donated by what was then known as West Germa-
                                                               ny way back in 1971.
                                                                As a result of this gesture of goodwill on part of this pro-west-

                                                               ern country, the government issued a call for applications which
                                                               was open to both policemen as well as personnel within the
                                                               armed forces of Malta.
                                                                The new recruits were to join the first batch of pilots and techni-

                                                               cians on the elementary Bell 47G-2. Four helicopters were donat-
                                                               ed and were all operated by the armed forces of Malta or AFM.
                                                                The political decision was also taken that the Malta police

                                                               force would have no air unit of its own but would instead rely on
                    In his career Lt Col Smith has flown a number of   the support of the AFM.

                    dignitaries as well as the jet set. Here he is seen   World Airnews met up with now retired Lt. Col. Joseph Smith

                       with President Emeritus Eddie Fenech Adami  who was part of the initial batch of Maltese pilots to be trained

                                                               on the very basic helicopter.

                                                                Lt. Col. Smith went on to fly five different types within the AFM

                                                               Air Wing before concluding his flying career on the Agusta Bell
                                                               212 of the Italian Military Mission in Malta in 1998.

                                                                He explained that the Italians initially brought the AB204, but
                                                               pilots were wary of conducting search and rescue sorties over

                                                               large expanses of water with a one engine helicopter, so they
                                                               demanded a twin engine machine that would give pilots and
                                                               rescuers a higher margin of safety in critical situations.

                                                                After high-level discussions at political level, the Italians even-

                                                               tually acceded to this demand and stationed Agusta Bell 212s

                                                               from 1987 onwards.
                                                                During our interview Lt. Col. Smith made a number of very

                                                               interesting revelations related to some ‘very hot topics’ were
                     Lt Col Smith is seen posing for the camera just   often overlooked by aviation buffs.

                   prior to taking delivery of the two Nardi-Hughes   The first ever helicopter rescue by the AFM was carried out in

                          369 from Guardia di Finanza in mid-1992  1972 – when the armed forces of Malta air wing was not yet
                                                               fully operational.

                                                                Despite this, the brave men within the unit were called into

                                                               action after a British man was carried out to sea by huge waves

                                                               which were battering the western coast of the island, close to
                                                               the famous Blue Grotto.

                                                                The Bell 47G-2 captained by Lt. Col Joseph Smith and his co-pi-

                                                               lot Charles Mansueto flew to the spot, battling strong winds and

                                                               10 metre high waves with very little room to manoeuvre in such

                                                               treacherous conditions.

                                                                The only thing they had available was a “salva uomo”, which
                                                               the co-pilot threw to the Englishman in distress. Luckily, thanks
                                                               to the above average piloting skills of Lt. Col Joseph Smith

                                                               and his co-pilot’s quick thinking, the life saving floating device

                                                               ended within reach and the hapless swimmer held onto it until
                                                               an armed forces of Malta patrol boat picked him up some 30
                                                               minutes later.

                                                                Often overlooked by aviation historians, it is worth noting

                                                               that Malta was the only European country to ever host a Libyan
                CEO Marvic Bugeja is seen interviewing Lt Col Joseph   military mission on its territory.
               Smith on the MAviO TV set. MAviO TV is a web based   This started in 1977 and came to an abrupt end in the early

            platform wholly dedicated to the aviation scene in Malta  eighties after the relations between Malta and Libya turned sour
                                                   World Airnews | April  2020
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