Page 34 - World Airnews Magazine April 2020 Edition
P. 34

HISTORICAL                                                                                                               AFRICA

                                  OWN YOUR OWN                                                                                                            KQ COUNTS THE COST

                                  RAAF PLANE

                  ilitary aircraft buffs have the

       Mchance to own their piece of
        Australian aviation history, with the auc-

        tion of former RAAF planes and equipment.
         Bids will start from only (US) $1 for the
        demilitarised planes, gliders, helicopter
        fuselage and thousands of spare parts.
         Auction headliners include 18 Pilatus PC-9/A

        aircraft, a popular RAAF training model flown by

        trainee Australian military pilots for 30 years.

         The propeller-driven aircraft were flown by

        the RAAF's aerobatics display team, The Rou-
        lettes, between 1989 and 2019 and became a

        well-known attraction at public air shows.                  One of the RAAF Pilatus PC-9/A trainer aircraft that

                                                                                will go under the hammer. (Supplied)
         Also going under the hammer are four
        Schleicher ASK 21 Mi Gliders. The agile

        engineless aircraft are perfect for beginner   iconic Black Hawk utility helicopter.  to its rugged design and ability to fly in all

        pilots due to their steerable nose wheel   The Sikorsky-designed chopper is the   weather conditions including night time.

        and gentle flight.                 frontline tactical helicopter for the Austra-  It has flown on combat missions with the ADF

         Another highlight is the fuselage of the   lian Army and other world militaries due   in theatres including Afghanistan and Iraq. Q
                                                                                                                                                                    regards to the corona virus,” he said.  NATIONALISATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Meanwhile Kenya’s law makers have

                ENGINES                                                                                                               enya Airways (KQ) has lost (US) $8   FALLING STOCK               approved the nationalisation of KQ to

                                                                                                                               Kmillion in revenue in about one     KQ’s stock on the NSE has fallen by 1.29 per   save the airline that has been run down by

                                                                                                                                month since it suspended flights to China   cent over the past month to trade as low as   mismanagement and mounting debts.
                                                                                                                                                                    Ksh2.29 ($0.022) per share.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         The government has adopted a plan to buy
                       MTU MAINTENANCE OPENS                                                                                    as a precaution against the deadly corona   In the past seven years, the share price   out KQ's minority shareholders and convert

                                                                                                                                virus outbreak.
                                                                                                                                  The losses on the Nairobi-Guangzhou   has dropped by over 75 per cent from a   shares held by commercial banks into debt.
                                                                                                                                                                    high of Ksh9.40 ($0.094) in 2013.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Under the plan, the government will also
               OFFICE IN AEROSPACE HUB DUBAI                                                                                    route include foregone passenger and   KQ, which is set to be delisted from the   create a special purpose vehicle - Aviation

                                                                                                                                cargo revenue.

                                                                                                                                  Acting chief executive Allan Kilavuka has   Nairobi Securities Exchange after parlia-  Holding Company (AHC) - to manage Ken-

                                                                                                                                said that China is a key cargo origin as well   ment approved its takeover by the state,   ya’s aviation sector.
                                                                                                                                as a main feeder to the regional freighters,   widened its losses for the year 2018 to   The AHC will have four subsidiaries -

                                                                                                                                and the suspension of flights since the   Ksh7.5 billion ($75 million) from Ksh6.4   Kenya Airways, Kenya Airports Authority,
                     TU Maintenance, a leader                                                                                   end of January has dealt a big blow to the   billion ($64 million) in 2017.  Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and a

          Min customised soluti ons for                                                                                         airline’s revenues.                  Its net loss for the six months’ period to June   centralised Aviation Services College, which

           aero engines, has announced that it has                                                                                “We are looking at lost revenue of about   30, 2019 more than doubled to Ksh8.5 billion   will be run independently.

           opened an office in close vicinity to the                                                                              (US) $8 million, both passenger and cargo.   ($85 million) from Ksh4 billion ($40 million) in   KQ is 48.9 per cent owned by the govern-
           Dubai International Airport.                                                                                         However, various initiatives are in place to in-  the same period the previous year (2018).  ment, and a group of 11 local banks which

            While MTU has always been present in                                                                                crease passenger and cargo revenues on other   Globally, the International Air Transport   own 38.1 per cent of the shares.

           the region, the company is proud to have                                                                             routes to minimise this impact,” said Kilavuka.  Association (IATA) forecast the aviation   Other shareholders include KLM Royal Dutch
           made this move to be even closer to its                                                                                The corona virus has so far infected more than   industry will lose (US) $29 billion worth of   Airline (7.8 per cent), employees (2.4 per cent)
           customers. It is part of its global growth                                                                           75,000 people globally and killed over 2,200*.  passenger revenues this year, of which (US)   and other shareholders at 2.8 per cent.
           strategy and enables immediate proximity                                                                             (*figures accurate at the time of going to   $40 million will be from African airlines.  The airline is facing threats from competi-

           to the commercial engine maintenance                                                                                 press)                               According to IATA, carriers outside the   tors such as Ethiopian Airlines, Rwandair,

           and leasing scene in the region – and in                                                                               He said that KQ switched the aircraft that   Asia-Pacific are forecast to lose (US) $1.5   Emirates, Qatar and Etihad, all which are

           turn, to meet their needs better and faster.                                                                         operated the route to China, to Dubai, from   billion, assuming the loss of demand is   fully state-owned and subsidised, and have

            This opening follows on from the re-                                                                                February 11, and changed the timing of the   limited to markets linked to China.  engaged in aggressive growth strategies

           cently opened MTU Maintenance Lease   “And it is a clear signal as to the impor-  service, for example with sale and lease   Bangkok flight from a midnight departure   Global traffic is forecast to drop, causing   focused on volume and market share.

           Services office in Singapore and Dublin.   tance of the Middle Eastern region for MTU.”  back, reliable MRO performance,  right   to early morning as a way of maintaining   the first overall decline in demand since the   KQ’s former chief executive Sebastian Miko-

            “Some of our largest customers are   “We have over 20 customers in the   up to the migration or exit of such fleets,   operational efficiency and minimising dis-  Global Financial crisis of 2008-2009.  sz quit in mid-December after he declined to

           based in Middle East. This move is a   region. MTU tailors excellent solutions for   both within and beyond the region.”   ruption to passengers.         “This will be a very tough year for   extend his three-year contract, which expired

           deliberate step in our global growth   a variety of engine types including for the   MTU Maintenance has also seen     “Due to our additional precautionary   airlines,” said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s   on December 31, citing personal reasons.

           strategy to strengthen our customer re-  GE90, the world’s largest turbofan,” said   strong demand for narrowbody services   measures we have faced some delays in   director general and chief executive.  In July last year, chief operating officer

           lationships and be on hand to most flex-  Sami Ben-Kraiem, vice president marketing   in the Middle East and is experiencing   operations. We are working closely with   “It is clear the airlines are struggling. Our   Jan De Vegt resigned after serving for three

           ibly respond to their needs,” said Martin   and sales, Middle East & Southeast Asia.  an increase in CFM56 and V2500 shop   the port health teams from the Ministry   initial analysis suggests that we are facing   years, and chief financial officer Hellen

           Friis-Petersen, senior vice president   “We support our customers with these   visits from the region to its facilities in   of Health as guided by the World Health   a 4.7 per cent hit on global demand. That   Mathuka was suspended in September. Q
           MRO programmes, MTU Aero Engines.   high value engines from their entry into   Hannover and Zhuhai. Q                Organisation who continue to monitor   could more than eliminate the 4.1 per cent   Article courtesy https://www.thecitizen.

                                                                                                                                and advice on the next steps to take with   growth we forecast for 2020 in December.”
                                                   World Airnews | April  2020                                                                                             World Airnews | April 2020
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