Page 11 - World Airnews Magazine December 2019 Edition
P. 11


 LOOK OUT FOR THE FLAWS  handbook. Missing documents, pages or   overhauled at specific intervals; status of   requirements for specific equipment. For

                                                                                  The FARs also includes inspection

           entries from aircraft logbooks may cause  compliance with required inspecti ons; sta-

           significant problems for the purchaser   tus of compliance with applicable airworthi-  example, if the airplane has a transponder,

           and reduce the value of the aircraft.

 Buying an aircraft is an important investment and the many aspects of aircraft   •  Unusual/Exotic Aircraft: Generally,     ness directives, and copies of descriptions   you should check the logbooks to ensure
                                                                                that the unit was tested within the past 24

                                            of major repairs and alterations that have
 ownership should be seriously considered before signing on the dotted line  the more unique the aircraft, the more   been performed on the airplane.  calendar months. Q

           unique the problems. Out-of-production

 more expensive to maintain.  FLY BEFORE YOU BUY  aircraft may cause difficulties because

 •  Airworthiness Directives: ADs are issued   •  Test Flight: It is always a good idea to   of parts shortages or unusual design   CHECK LIST

 he pre-purchase inspection is a very   for safety reasons and are a fact of life   fly the aircraft before you make your   features. Check on parts availability and   •  Airframe  •  Cabin Interior  •  Batt ery

 Timportant and oft en an over looked   for most every aircraft. Once issued,   final decision. During the flight, carefully   product support for any older model. In   •  Paint  •  Cockpit controls  •  Cooling baffles

 precaution when deciding whether to pur-  owners are required to comply with the   check all equipment and systems to   the case of a homebuilt, keep in mind   •  Corrosion  •  Circuit breakers/  •  Control cables
           that you are buying an experimental

 AD within the time period allotted. It’s

 chase an aircraft. This is especially important   important to look at the AD history of an   determine if they are fully functioning.  aircraft that has been handcrafted. You   •  Fabric  switches  •  Lubrication system

 During the start open the window to

 when buying a used aircraft. Have a pre-pur-  aircraft. Check the nature of the ADs and   listen to the engine. If it sounds rough,   may find some mechanics reluctant or   •  Attachment points  •  Instruments  •  Starter

 chase inspection completed; as this will help   whether they are recurring or one-time   don’t even take the plane up. Watch   unwilling to perform maintenance on   •  Control cables/pulleys  •  Avionics  •  Filters

 avoid any surprises.  Many aircraft have under-  compliance. Make sure the logbooks   all the gauges during takeoff. Do the   such aircraft because of their unfamiliar-  •  Control surfaces  •  Seatbelts  •  Vacuum system

 lying flaws that would cost thousands of Rands   show compliance with all applicable ADs.  engines operate smoothly? Do a few   ity with the design and construction, or   •  Fuel tanks/lines  •  Seats/tracks/  •  Fuel system

 to correct and these will be found when you do   •  Damage history: major repairs can affect   turns. How does the aircraft feel? Check   because of liability concerns.  •  Doors/windows, emer-  frames  •  Engine mounts

 a pre-purchase inspection. Then prospective   the value of an aircraft significantly, but   all the avionics.  •  Final Inspection: Aircraft owners are re-  gency exits  •  Ventilation/heat  •  Seals

 buyers can ask the current aircraft owner to   may be hard to pin down. A damage   •  The pre-purchase inspection: A me-  quired to keep records of all inspections   •  General condition  •  Interior fabric  •  General condition

 correct them, or negotiate new price.  history will decrease the value of an air-  chanic should inspect the plane before   and maintenance required by regula-  •  Landing Gear  •  Door/window seals  •  Propeller(s)

 Another thing to consider is time between   craft, depending on the type of accident,   you buy it. During this inspection, make   tions, as well as any major repairs and al-  •  Tires  •  Window/windshields  •  Blade conditions

 overhaul (TBO). Verify that parts can be   nature of the damage and the degree   sure you confirm that the ADs (airwor-  terations. Before purchasing an airplane,   •  Brakes  •  Lighting  •  Hub conditions

 obtained for the aircraft, and that local   to which major components have been   thiness directives) are up to date, all   you should study the airplane's engine   •  Shock absorbing   •  Engine Systems  •  Governor

 mechanics can work on it. Always fly the   involved. Any aircraft with a damage   maintenance was performed and re-  and airframe logbooks to determine   system  •  Corrosion

 aircraft before you buy; this is the most   history should be closely scrutinized to   corded correctly, and all inspections are   if the maintenance and recordkeeping   •  Spinner

 straightforward way to get a good feel for   make sure it has been properly repaired   current. For the best results, find a me-  requirements have been fulfilled.  •  Scissor links  •  Induction system  •  Seals

 whether the aircraft is a good fit for you.   in accordance with the applicable FAA   chanic who is familiar with the make and   Check for the following information:   •  Retraction system  •  Turbocharging system  •  Deicing

 Thoroughly examine aircraft records and en-  regulations and recommended practices.  model so that he/she knows which areas   the total time in service of the airframe, en-  •  Shimmy damper  •  Exhaust system  •  Cylinders

 gine logs, looking for unusual entries. If you see   •  Paint/interior: used on occasion to give   to focus in on. A pre-purchase inspec-  gine(s), and propeller(s); current status of   •  Gear attach points  •  Ignition system  •  Compression

 an entry for “Replaced sections of fuselage skin”   "tired" aircraft a quick facelift. Check   tion should include at least a differential   any life-limited parts; time since overhaul   •  Microswitches  •  Electrical system  •  Oil Consumption

 you should be suspicious of a gear-up landing.   new paint jobs carefully for evidence of   compression check on each cylinder of   of any component that is required to be

 Do some research on the cost and avail-  corrosion under the surface. Interior items   the engine. A mechanical inspection,

 ability of aircraft insurance?   should be checked for proper fit and con-  the aircraft logbooks and other records

 dition. Done properly, both items enhance

 With a little advance planning and some   should be carefully reviewed. AD com-  AIRVAN AFRICA      +27 46 624 4899

 research, your aircraft purchase will be a   the value of the aircraft.  pliance, the status of service bulletins

 and letters, and aircraft/component
 memorable experience, for the right reasons!  •  Overhauls: Be careful of the terminology   serial numbers. Ideally, the mechanic

 Generally speaking major factors that   used to describe engine condition. A top   you select to do the inspection should

 affect resale value are:    overhaul involves the repair of engine com-  have experience and be familiar with

 ponents outside of the crankcase. A major
 •  Engine hours: perhaps the most common   overhaul involves the complete disassem-  the problems that may be encountered

 influence on resale value. The closer an   bly, inspection, repair and reassembly of an   on that type of aircraft. Part of your   Patrick: +27-82-565-8864

 engine is to its recommended time between   engine to specified limits. If an engine has   pre-purchase inspection should include   1990 Mooney M20J

 overhaul (TBO), the less its value. Equally im-  had a top or major overhaul, the logbooks   an analysis of the spare parts market.   2011 Quest Kodiak 100  Special Edition  1961 Aerospatiale Alouette 2  Brendan: +27-72-244-4958
                2200 Hrs TT Airframe and Engine.
 portant is a record of consistent use coupled   must still show the total time on the engine,   Difficulty in acquiring spare parts can   PT-6A-34, 750SHP, Garmin G1000 Avionics,   1807 Hours TT and 8 Hours SMOH April MPI,   11400HRS TT, 12-Year completed in May 2017  Phil: +27-83-284-3898

                                          April Overhaul.
 with a good maintenance program. Regular   if known, and its prior maintenance history.  cost you a lot of time and money, and   External Baggage Compartment, 29” Wheel   Absolutely Beautiful!  Registered NTCA.

                 Upgrade, Air Conditioning.
 use helps keep seals and other engine com-  A "zero-time" engine is one that has   ultimately risk grounding your aircraft    Price: US$ 1 258 000  Price: R1 550 000  Call for Price

 ponents lubricated and in good shape.  been overhauled to factory new limits by   •  Aircraft Records: Make sure the fol-

 •  Equipment: such as avionics, air condition-  the original manufacturer and is issued a   lowing documents are available and in   1971 Beechcraft Baron E55

 ing, de-icing gear and interior equipment.   new logbook without previous operating   proper order for the aircraft: Airwor-

           Unless otherwise stated all prices are exclusive of VAT
 The big item here is usually avionics that   history. As a general rule, an aircraft with a   thiness certificate, engine and airframe   Stripping for Spares

 can easily double the value of some older   "zero-time" engine has more value than the   logbooks, aircraft equipment list, weight   Call for Parts Price and Availability

 aircraft. Also, older equipment is generally   same aircraft with an overhauled engine.  and balance data, placards, owner's

                  2015 Airvan 8       1966 Piper Cherokee 180
              2000 Hours TT Airframe, Factory rebuilt   7425 Hrs TT Airframe and 150 Hrs SMOH   1998 Mooney M20K Encore
              zero-time Engine. 3-Blade Prop, 4200lbs   Engine. Constant speed prop, new glass, paint   OTHER AIRCRAFT FOR SALE:
              MAUW Upgrade, Cargo Pod, G500 PFD,   refresh, new interior and carpets by   1230 Hours Airframe and Engine SMOH
             G650 GPS/Nav/Comm, TCAS, Stormscope, etc   43 Airschool.
                   Price: Offers       Price: R500 000 neg      Price: Offers      1981 Mooney M20J 201
                                                                                   2015 Airvan 8
                                                                                   1948 Ercoupe 415e
                Grumman AA-5B Tiger    BRAND NEW Airvan 8   2013 Robinson R66 Turbine  1969 Cessna 182M
                                     Standard panel including Garmin GTN 650
                 3170 Hrs TT, 535 Hrs SMOH  Nav/Com/GPS and JPI EDM 800   250 Hours since new.
              Good paint and interior finishes. Spats are   Engine Monitor.
                     included.          Price: US$ 862 000                         1977 Socata Rallye 235E       SA Flyer 2019|12
              Price: R480 000 or Best Offer  Including Delivery in Africa.  Price: Call
 s | December 2019
 orld Airne
 World Airnews | December 2019                    World Airnews | December 2019
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