Page 16 - World Airnews Magazine December 2019 Edition
P. 16

HUMAN                                                                                                                    ADVERTORIAL

                                  HUMAN FACTORS -                                                                                                          HSH AEROSPACE

                                  STRESS MANAGEMENT                                                                                                        FOCUSES ON AFRICA

                                                                                                                                                                    interventions, during

                                                                                                                                                                    aircraft stops.
            ast month we looked at Decision                                                                                            SH Aerospace Finishes, in its   The HSH labora-

       LMaking Under Pressure. This month                                                                                       Hdevelopment programmes, has        tory, in their office

        we tackle Stress - the perception of a                                                                                   decided to pay particular attention to the   in Brussels, has the
                                                                                                                                                                    possibility in 48 hours

        catastrophic outcome. SAA pilot and CRM                                                                                  African continent.                 create any requested

        training manager and safety investigator                                                                                  HSH South Africa office, in addition to   colour, according to
        David Doull focuses on two areas - coping                                                                                their diverse clientele from Brazil to Can-  the sample provided
                                                                                                                                 ada, including the Middle East, India and
        with acute stress and chronic stress at the                                                                              Japan, will be the starting point to better   by the customer, and

        level of the individual.                                                                                                 service for potential African customers.   send the final product

        SCENARIO ONE – ACUTE STRESS                                                                                               Currently in the HSH African family are Egypt   to its destination,
                                                                                                                                                                    bearing in mind, in this
        “I felt the nose of the Beech 1900 yaw as                                                                                Air, Kenya Airways, RwandAir and the Airbus In-  case, that the shipping
                                                                                                                                 dustry Component in South Africa, it would like

        I rotated. The left engine was changing                                                                                  to welcome other members wishing to make   costs will be lower
        pitch (the compressor was seizing). It was                                                                               use of HSH Aerospace Finishes ECO-FRIENDLY   than those incurred       Aviation Africa on the African continent namely

        summer in Kabul (Afghanistan), elevation                                                                                 products, following the world trend towards   that fall within the classification of Dangerous   Cairo, Nairobi, Kigali, Johannesburg and Cape

        5800 feet, aircraft at max weight. The right                                                                                                                Goods, HSH products are water-based and not   Town reflecting the growing interest in this com-

        hand engine was now at the torque power                                                                                  the respect of nature are welcome.  classified as Dangerous.           pany in the air transport sector of the continent.

        limit, rudder against the stop and the                                                                                    Taking into account the growth of air   HSH Aerospace Finishes offers its custom-  What a better opportunity to offer aeronautical

        speed just above red line. We just did not                                                                               transport in Africa, according to industry   ers in addition to its technical support and,   operators to preserve an ever better appearance

        climb. The gear came up when wallowing                                                                                   estimates, the maintenance of existing   if necessary, a course held by its specialised   of their aircraft interiors, to respect passengers

        in ground effect and the roof top aerials                                                                                fleets and support for new acquisitions, HSH   technician, necessary for the knowledge and   and provide them with a greater comfort?

        were just below our wings. The terrain was                                                                               AEROSPACE FINISHES is in a position to offer   training of painter team.   For more information contact Business

        rising ahead, I thought that the only thing                                                                              its technical support with low cost solutions,   For the past couple of years an HSH repre-  development manager sub-Saharan Africa
        I could do was pick a street to crash into. I                          Weyers). Flexibility involves managing your       an excellent performance and, last but not   sentatives has been present at all the industry   Mauro de Nicola Mobile: (27) 83 2674988

        remember a pulsing feeling in my neck, my   (e.g. Aviate, Navigate, Communicate, As-                                     least, rapid drying, an advantage that cannot   conferences organized by AfBAA, MRO Africa,   and email Q

        right leg shaking against the rudder pedal   sess, Action, Time evaluation). This will help   perception and becoming an observer.   be neglected specifically during in situ

        and I heard my hyperventilating breathing.   focus your attention on the right priorities,   Change drives innovation and your prob-

                                                                               lem-solving skills. It is our ability to adapt

        It was a familiar feeling for an ex-paramedic   goals and time awareness. If you feel your   that makes us strong. Observing your own
        - the feeling of your life being threatened.   heart rate racing, focus on your breath-  thoughts and feelings puts you in command.
                                           ing. Take deep, slow breaths to keep your
         “Something happened at that moment   body in the optimum zone. Train yourself   So redirect them; motivate and reach out

        of recognition.  I went from thinking this   under stressful situations to get used to the   to others, be accepting (show forgiveness)

        was the end to, first, confidence that stress   feeling and to build confidence. Over-learn   towards yourself and ask “How have I played

        makes me stronger and, second, rage at the   what you will need to apply and practice   a role?” It is important to make friends with

        thought of my life being prematurely ended   multi-tasking. The real world happens all   your thoughts, understand them and decide

        on contract, away from home, on a rela-  at the same time and you need to learn to   which ones you will keep or change.

        tively low salary and in the war-torn, dust   multi-task and shed less important things.   Increasing stress tolerance involves three

        bowl of Kabul. Perhaps if it had been the   Lastly, try to be as mentally flexible as you   main areas; lifestyle, mindfulness and

        Maldives with good pay it would’ve been   can; go with the flow and adapt to reality

        different. I flew that B190 out of danger   (‘Safety at the Sharp End’ by Flin, O’Connor   changing automatic thoughts. Sleep lots, eat
        with a toddler tantrum. It was an involun-  & Crichton).               healthy, don’t smoke, take alcohol in mod-
                                                                               eration and do 20 mins of exercise per day.

        tary re-action. My brain became self-cen-                              Make time for your mind, allow thoughts to

        tred, aggressive and hyper-vigilant. I did   SCENARIO 2 - CHRONIC STRESS   pass through and be solution focused. Spend

        what I had to do (stuck to priorities). I gave   “It was a sunny afternoon at Johannesburg

        myself targets to achieve such as “just get   when I woke up with a helluva fright. We   10 mins a day clearing your mind. When
        100 fpm climb” or “just get past that hill”   were downwind on an instrument arrival.   we say or think words like “should, must,
                                                                               always, never” or phrases like “I’m hopeless;
        (goal-directed). I thought about what was   I turned to the pilot flying and said, please   nothing ever changes; this always happens

        about to happen (anticipation of time).”   watch me I’ve just fallen asleep for the   to me” these are automatic thoughts.

         Each goal achieved, no matter how small,   third time since top of descent”. After the   Change them to functional thoughts, for

        I told myself I was dealing with it. I was   flight, at a quiet moment, I thought to   example: a near collision (translates to you

        fighting my way out. As part of anticipating,   myself “David, what are you doing being at   as “You stupid idiot”)  becomes “Nobody is

        I constantly made a plan B. I chose a new   work like this?” Then I thought about the   perfect, we’re lucky.” Force your thoughts
        crash site every few seconds and I thought   denial;  finances, family member recently   into accepting what you can’t change and

        about what I would do if the other engine   diagnosed with cancer, studying, extra   changing what you can.
        failed. But I stuck to plan A and it worked;   work, a full roster, small kids at home, not   Lastly optimism involves three aspects;

        an unstoppable cycle of priorities, goals   enough time with my wife, struggling with   manage your expectations, persistence and

        and time built into forward thinking of   sleep, the list went on. We all have a list,

        what is about to happen.           sometimes it’s not the length that counts,   trust. Expect setbacks, they’re temporary.

                                                                               Failure is okay, quitting is not. Open up

         If acute stress is new to you then you   it’s what is on the list.    communication with people to develop

        must learn to tame panic; redirect it,   Chronic stress has three core skill sets,   trust. The more meaningful the connection

        recognise that your body is rising to the   Flexibility, Tolerance and Optimism (Emo-  you have with a person, the luckier you will

        challenge and apply a recipe that works   tional Intelligence by Prins, van Niekerk &   feel to be alive. Q

                                                 World Airnews | December 2019                                                                                            World Airnews | December 2019
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