Page 20 - World Airnews Magazine December 2019 Edition
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olls-Royce has announced plans
Rto expand their global network of
engine overhaul services to support growth
of the large aero engines.
With the forecast to grow from more than
4,000 today to approximately 6,500 in the
mid-term – and even further beyond that
– Rolls Royce expects demand for overhaul
services to increase over the coming years.
The planned expansion comes as the
long-term focus of their business moves to-
wards managing the aftermarket potential A REVOLUTION
of our fleet of widebody aircraft engines.
The further expansion of the company’s net-
work of engine overhaul facilities underpins IN GENERAL AVIATION
their commitment to reducing the impact on
customers with in-service Trent 1000 issues. sitioned to become the company’s engine in our network of service facilities follows
In Germany, part of the Rolls-Royce overhaul Centre of Excellence. previous announcements about increased Garmin executive vice president and manag- runway centreline to bring the aircraft to a
Deutschland site in Dahlewitz will transi- The Rolls Royce Derby team is developing provision for engine overhaul through Autho- armin has announced a revolu- ing director of aviation. full stop. Engine shutdown is also automated
so occupants can safely exit the aircraft.
tion into an overhaul services hub with the new overhaul techniques and will provide rised Maintenance Centres at Delta Tech Ops, Gti on in general aviati on - the fi rst “Congratulations to the entire Garmin
capability of handling widebody engine training to the wider network. Continued Sanad Aerotech and Standard Aero. Garmin Autoland system. team for executing upon a tremendous At any time, a pilot can easily deactivate an
overhauls. The Rolls-Royce Canada site in investment in overhaul facilities in Bristol “We are focused on expanding our vision that will transform the industry, autoland activation. With a single press of the
Montreal, which currently services business and Inchinnan to enhance their capacity existing global network to address the In the event of an emergency, autoland forever change lives and help protect the “AP” autopilot key on the autopilot controller
jet engines, will also be repurposed to be- to undertake overhauls of the Trent 700 growing demand for overhaul services and will control and land the aircraft without most valuable contents in and around the or the autopilot disconnect button on the con-
come a widebody engine overhaul facility. engines is also planned. to provide our customers with even better human intervention. aircraft – our children, family and friends.” trols, an autoland activation can be cancelled.
These moves come in addition to ongoing Rolls-Royce civil aerospace services director service solutions both now and into the The autoland system determines the most The system will automatically communi- The flight display shows a message that
investment in the UK, Derby site that is po- Dominic Horwood said, “Expanding capacity future,” said Horwood. Q optimal airport and runway, taking into cate with air traffic control (ATC), advising confirms autoland has been de-activated
account factors such as weather, terrain, ob- controllers and pilots operating near the and in the event of an accidental deactiva-
stacles and aircraft performance statistics. aircraft of its location and its intentions. tion, the system shows passengers how to
“Today, aviation is forever changed as Throughout an autoland activation, the re-activate autoland if needed.
TURBO PROP we introduce one of the industry’s most system provides simple visual and verbal com- Garmin Autonomí encompasses autoland,
significant innovations – the first autoland munications in plain-language so passengers Emergency Descent Mode (EDM) and Elec-
system for general aviation aircraft,” said Cliff in the aircraft know what to expect. The flight tronic Stability and Protection (ESP). These
displays show the aircraft’s location on a map
technologies add to the safety enhancing
Pemble, Garmin president and CEO.
PIPER M600 SLS PLANE Garmin’s deep commitment to develop ad- alongside information such as the destination tools and capabilities of a Garmin-equipped
“The unveiling of autoland demonstrates
flight deck. For example, in the event an
airport, estimated time of arrival, distance to
vanced technologies that enhance aviation the destination airport and fuel remaining. aircraft loses pressurization, EDM is capable
CAN LAND BY ITSELF safety and save lives.” are also labelled in an easy-to-understand of automatically descending the aircraft to
Airspeed, altitude and aircraft heading
a preset altitude without pilot intervention
In the event of an emergency, the pilot
or passengers on board the aircraft can format. Passengers also have the option to help avert hypoxic situations.
ESP further enhances the Autonomí suite
It also communicates with air traffic plane, even shutting off the engine and activate autoland to land the aircraft with a to communicate with ATC by following by working to assist the pilot in avoiding
instructions on the display using the touch-
control facilities regarding the new flight providing how to exit the aircraft safely. simple press of a dedicated button. screen interface on the flight deck. unintentional flight attitudes beyond that
iper Aircraft, headquartered in plan and estimated time of landing, Piper says this is the first general avia- Autoland can also activate automatically for normal flight. ESP works in the back-
The Garmin auto throttle system is used to
PVero Beach, announced they will according to Piper. tion aircraft in the world to be certified if the system determines it’s necessary. automatically manage aircraft speed, engine ground while the pilot is hand flying the
soon offer a general aviation aircraft “The aircraft will acquire the best with this capability. Once activated, the system calculates a performance and engine power so the air- aircraft to help pilots avoid inadvertent
that will be able to land by itself with place to land, go to the airport, land, The company said certification of the flight plan to the most suitable airport, craft can climb, descend or maintain altitude flight attitudes or bank angles.
just a push of a button. shut down by itself without any interac- M600 SLS is imminent. If you are think- initiates an approach to the runway and as needed during an autoland activation. Should the pilot become inattentive while
automatically lands the aircraft – without
Piper said the technology, known as tion from any occupant," said Piper Vice ing about making a purchase, Piper said pilot or passenger intervention. On approach to land, the system initiates hand-flying the aircraft and exceed pre-de-
the HALO Safety System, enables their President of Marketing Ron Gunnarson. the price is (US) $2.994 million. “The vision and development of the world’s a controlled descent to the airport. If the termined pitch, roll or airspeed limitations,
new M660 SLS planes to safely land at The technology is able to account for The company has built twice as many first autoland system for general aviation aircraft needs additional time to descend or Garmin ESP activates and the pilot will feel
the nearest suitable airport - if the pilot runway size, wind, time, fuel range, glide planes this year as it did just two years slow down during the approach, the autoland pressure on the flight controls that guide
is incapacitated. path, weather conditions and the terrain ago. Q was a natural progression for Garmin as we system initiates a standard holding procedure him/her back to a recommended flight limit.
looked at our aircraft systems and existing
Once engaged, either automatically or as it seeks the nearest suitable runway. autonomous technologies and recognized it is and extends the landing gear and flaps. Once Autoland will soon be available as part of the
by a passenger, the Halo system assumes After landing, Piper says Halo will acti- Article courtesy: https://www.wptv. our responsibility to use these building blocks in landing configuration, the aircraft begins G3000 integrated flight deck on the Cirrus Vi-
control of all of the aircraft's systems. vate the braking system to finally stop the com/news/ to deliver a technology that will change lives its descent to the runway. On the runway, au- sion Jet and the Piper M600, pending Federal
and revolutionize air travel,” said Phil Straub, tomatic braking is applied while tracking the Aviation Administration (FAA) certification. Q
World Airnews | December 2019 World Airnews | December 2019
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