Page 22 - World Airnews Magazine December 2019 Edition
P. 22


                                  43 AIR SCHOOL -

                                  DISTRIBUTOR FOR PIPISTREL

                                           said Attie Niemann, the 43 Air School CEO.     Johannesburg and soon Europe, providing

                                             43 has been evaluating many options to re-  the industry’s most advanced and respected

              3 Air School Pty Ltd has announced
        4that they are now the sole distrib-
        uters of the full Pipistrel Aircraft range in

        South Africa and Portugal.
         We looked extensively at what product
        we would like to represent and train with
        into the future before deciding on Pipistrel.
        During a recent visit to the Pipistrel factories

        and flying most of these aircraft for evalua-

        tion, 43 signed a Sole Distributor agreement

        with Pipistrel (Portugal & South Africa).
         Our criteria were as follows:
         1.  Safety
         2.  Durability
         3.  Economy
         4.  Technology

         5.  Future Sustainability         new its fleet in the future and at the same time   Airline Pilot Training models with unmatched

                                                                               facilities and abilities to deliver these

         6.  Adaptability                  entering aircraft sales, but only if that solution   courses. Delivering a unique value-adding,

         7.  Support and scale             can offer significant savings and benefits   best practice and carefully designed and

                                           through technology. In South Africa the poor

         8.  Market possibilities          infrastructure, high unemployment rates, and   managed Airline Training Programmes

         9.  Versati lity                  stagnant economies will force us to innovate if   from selection to Airliner Type rating, 43

         10.  Simplicity                   we want to stay relevant, thus newer and more   is still the only Pilot Training Organization

                                           economical products are the way to do it.  accredited by SACAA to offer the integrated

        Pipistrel ticked all those boxes and a few   Pipistrel Aircraft represents the best of   Airline Pilot Program. Recently 43 Air School
                                                                               was voted the best Aviation Company

        others.  For example on Safety, the aircraft   what technology has to offer aviation and we   and runner up Aviation Safety at the CAIA

        are all equipped with ballistic parachutes   believe it will make flying affordable again   Awards by the South African Civil Aviation

        that can save the crews and the aircraft in a   to us and private owners. It also aligns with   Authority.
        real emergency.                    a programme that addresses the economic,

          All Pipistrel aircraft are really precisely   environmental, and social needs of our envi-  ABOUT PIPISTREL

        build. They are designed by 3D printing   ronment and aligns with our visionary goals   Pipistrel is a world leading small aircraft design-

        technology and then produced by the latest   for the future with the soon-to-be certified   er and producer. With 30 years of experience

        composite technology materials, giving   first electric aircraft initially confirmed to the   Pipistrel has gained significant international

        them unmatched strength and aerodynamic   traffic pattern.             reputation and delivered unique, innovative

        drag efficiency that is class leading. On the   Running on electricity instead of fossil fuels   products to passionate customers on all
        economy side the electric versions of the   reduces the fuel cost by up to 80% and the   continents. First-to-fly an electric two-seater

        Alpha 121SW Trainer, which will be the first   hourly cost of electricity can be further re-  in 2007 and an electric four-seater in 2011,

        fully certified electric training plane, has   duced if we look into solar and wind projects   Pipistrel won the NASA challenge for the »best

        economies of operation that is unmatched.   of our own in the near future. There will also   small aircraft in the world« three times and the

         “In my 40 years in the aviation industry,   be significant associated savings on mainte-  “European Business Award” for Innovation in

        I have never seen anything as efficient as   nance in the switchover to the products that   2010. Pipistrel has produced more than 1,500

        these aircraft. The technology in manufac-  Pipistrel offers.          aircraft to date. The Pipistrel Vertical Solutions

        turing gives these aircraft a major advantage   “Dealing with 43 Air School immediately   team has designed eight different electric

        in efficiency on all fronts. We are proud to   felt right. The more I learned about their   aircraft since 2007 and has developed aircraft

        partner with Pipistrel and 43 will be devel-  tradition, values, immense size of operation   propulsion systems for NASA and Siemens’s

        oping programs to integrate the aircraft into   and attention to detail and environment,   aircraft. The company holds an EASA Design,

        our training programs in the future.   human touch, quality, safety and efficiency,   Production and Maintenance Organisation

         “The Virus SW121, selected for flight train-  the more I was convinced that forming this   Approvals and has the capability of bringing a

        ing by 43 is an aircraft fully EASA Type-cer-  partnership is the winning factor for Pipist-  new aircraft design concept from a basic idea

        tified for day and night VFR and intentional   rel’s long term presence in Africa. I look for-  into a certified design, ready for production.

        spins, running on automotive fuel, giving us   ward to introducing exciting novelties and   Pipistrel won a tender of Indian Armed

        the flexibility to use these aircraft also for our   opportunities to Pipistrel enthusiasts in the   Forces to supply 194 aircraft to the Indian

        expansion plans into Europe and India in the   region,” said Ivo Boscarol, founder, owner   Air Force, Indian Navy and National Cadet

        near future. The follow-on for us to enter air-  and president of Pipistrel Group.  Corps. Because of all these achievements,

        craft sales focused business, to our product   ABOUT 43 AIR SCHOOL     the president of the Republic of Slovenia
        range was inevitable and we believe we have                            decorated the Pipistrel team with the highest
        chosen the best product to represent the   43 Air School, Africa’s leading ATO, has   civil award in the country: the Golden Order

        future of flight training and general aviation”   branches in Port Alfred, Port Elizabeth,   for services to the Republic of Slovenia. Q
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