Page 13 - World Airnews Magazine December 2019 Edition
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ATTRIBUTES THAT YOU NEED ful load measures carrying capacity. Louise Pietersen, a broker at DJA
TO CHECK It’s the gross weight minus the weight
he most important thing with all • Performance – What is the range? of the empty plane. Aviation (Pty) Ltd, recently rejoined the
Tof this is that you need to do your Manufacturers calculate the maximum • Stall – What is the stall speed (usu- team. She looks back at her journey
research. Buying used or new both come distance the plane can fly at 75% pow- ally expressed in statute miles per
with the responsibility of the buyer to er without refuelling. Will the plane be hour)? back to her second home
know what they’re getting into. able to land at your local airport? Stan- • Cost – How much will it cost you
every year? Include purchase costs,
Acquiring your own aircraft takes dard airports have 3,000 to 4,000 feet
some thought and planning. If you know runways, local strips may be smaller. storage costs, maintenance costs, and
flight costs.
what you’re doing and have a good team • Cruise – How fast do you need to fter school I
to help you, the process can go fairly travel? Cruise speed is measured as GET INVOLVED Astarted out in
smoothly. But, if you haven’t bought a the speed at 75% power, and is usually • Inspect the plane yourself the health and beauty
plane before or if you want to try and expressed in statute miles per hour sector as a student at
“wing it”, you can be in for some exciting • Number of Seats – How many seats • Fly the plane yourself Isa Carstens in Stellen-
surprises. will you need? Most planes can • Have an experienced mechanic look bosch, where I studied
Here are some of the biggest mistakes effectively carry fewer passengers and the plane over
that can happen along the way. luggage than the number of seats they • Verify that the seller has legal rights to become a health and
skin care therapist. After
The best place to start is an analysis of have. to sell the plane.
your future travel needs, and look at how • Seating Configuration – What is your QUESTIONS YOU NEED TO ASK BE- completing my diploma
your needs have changed over the past seating preference, Tandem v. Side- FORE BUYING AN AIRCRAFT I went overseas for a
few years. The initial purchase cost is the by-side? Tandem may be faster due couple of years but soon
first piece to consider, but there are also to narrower configuration and may • What is the airframe and engine flight returned to South Africa.
the ongoing operating and maintenance give the pilot more visibility and more ti me I had developed carpal
costs which are often overlooked or un- legroom. However, side-by-side seat- • When was the last major overhaul, tunnel syndrome - a
derestimated. ing makes communication between the last annual inspection and the last common condition that
Are you a weekend pilot or a business occupants easier. avionics check? causes pain, numbness,
pilot? Do you fly mostly fair-weather • Avionics Level – What are the level • List all applicable airworthiness direc- and tingling in the hand
flights in the local area, or do you log and condition of the instruments tives and ask whether or not the plane and arm. The condition
hours on long cross-country flights in and other electronics? Multiple is in compliance occurs when one of the
instrument meteorological conditions? communication radios are helpful • What were the compression readings major nerves to the
The type of flying you do will largely for longer flights or flying in congest- for each cylinder at the last time mea- hand is squeezed or compressed as it travels through the wrist. This
determine what kind of airplane you will ed airspace. surements were taken left Louise unable to pursue her career.
need and what features and capabilities • Construction - Low wing generally • What is the damage history, major
it will need to have. have better flight visibility for flying in and minor (if any) “I had to find something else to do and ended up working at Dennis
• Jets versus Propellers – Jets are crowded airspace; High-wing airplanes • What avionics does it have? How old Jankelow and Associates (now DJA) for the Reach for a Dream Aircraft
raffle. It was only a temporary position until the raffle at the end of
obviously much faster, but are more may be better for sightseeing. Which is it? that year. I was employed as an admin assistant and so my career in
expensive to buy and operate is more appropriate for your personal • Overall condition of the interior and general aviation started in April 2004. I never knew that what started
• New versus Used – Used planes cost objecti ve? exterior out as a temporary position would became my new career path.
less than new planes, but may have • Landing gear – Which type of gear do • What price? “As admin assistant I studied additional insurance courses and
more mechanical problems. This does you prefer, Conventional or Tricycle worked my way up to become an aviation insurance broker. I spent my
not mean that used planes are unsafe. Gear Landing gear – Conventional is BUYER INSPECTION – SOME POINTERS first 11 years in the industry at DJA where I trained under the mentor-
The average general aviation airplane more rugged and may have lower wind Walk around the plane, noticing whether ship of some of the pioneers in the South African Aviation Insurance
is over 20 years old resistance, however a tricycle gear the plane is sitting level. Look at paint Industry,” said Louise.
• Homebuilt versus Popular – Home- is less complex and may have lower for consistency; it may be an indicator of “While I was there I did the certificate of proficiency and the ICIBS
maintenance costs.
builts often are faster, lighter and replacement parts. Make sure the paint (Intermediate Certificate in Business Studies) together through the
may cost less to operate (if you built • Age – How old is the plane? Will you is not cracking or flaking. The wear on the Insurance Institute of South Africa, which is the equivalent to a NQF
it yourself, you may be able to do easily be able to find replacement paint is a good indicator of how the plane level 4.
your own maintenance). However if parts? has been treated. Has it been left outside
you build it yourself, there is work in • Physical condition – Look for rust, baking in the sun and buried under snow, Then I left DJA and moved to an Aircraft Risk Company where I
assembling, you need a place to put cracked paint, and worn parts. or has it been stored in a covered hangar? worked as aviation Insurance Handling Broker, managing a wide vari-
it together, and if you sell it, you may • Engine – Note the manufacturer and Also look for dents, rust and missing pieces ety of aviation insurance risks from Helicopter fleets, Turboprops and
be liable for any problems the future size. Continental and Lycoming are the to get a general sense for how well the Jets to small piston aircraft. I worked in this field for almost four years.
owner has. If you buy it used and fully most common, and therefore the least plane has been maintained. “Earlier this year DJA approached me to re-join their team and I’m
assembled, you somewhat at the expensive to find replacement parts. Inside the cabin check how well the doors happy to say that I returned “home”, where it all started for me.
mercy of the mechanical skills of the Also consider fuel consumption. Will close? Is the interior worn? Does it smell? I’m looking forward to this next phase of my career and will contin-
previous owner. you easily and cheaply be able to fill Look at the avionics. Does the plane have a ue to strive for excellence in my work and providing the DJA clients
• Classics and Antiques – Older planes up with the right kind of fuel? Mode C transponder? Does the plane have with the high level of service and dedication for which the company
have stylistic appeal and are popular • Gross – What is the capacity of the an emergency locator transmitter? If it is has been renowned for many decades.”
at air shows. Classic usually refers to plane? It’s measured as the allowable missing either, find out why. Louise is a member of the UK based Chartered Insurance Institute
planes build between 1945 and 1955. total weight of the plane, passengers Examine the log books. Look for the or CII and has completed her Charted Insurance Institute insurance
Antique usually refers to plans build and cargo frequency of flights, repairs and inspec- certificate. She is busy with her CII Insurance Diploma (which is equiv-
before 1945. • Useful Load – Similar to gross, the use- ti ons. Q alent to a NQF level 5). Q
World Airnews | December 2019 World Airnews | December 2019 World Airnews | December 2019
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