Page 25 - Internal Auditor M.E. (English) - June 2018
P. 25

Value adding

         By: Ayman Abdelrahim
          Value-Added Based Audit Plan

                                                                       The term “adding value” may differ from one
                                                                       person to another; some may see it as a business
                                                                       development, while others have limited traditional
                                                                       view as see it only limited to providing the results
                                                                       of the examination and verification carried out.
                                                                       On the other hand, the changes in the definition of
                                                                       internal auditing which happened in 1999 replaced
                                                                       the objective from “examination and verification”
                                                                       to “add value and improving the operations”. That
                                                                       means moving from a limited view to a wider
                                                                       view and looking from the company’s lens when
                                                                       selecting area for audit. This will ensure that
                                                                       internal audit speaks the same common language
                                                                       within the company and become part of it.
                                                                       Delivering on the Promise
                                                                       In 2015, the Institute of Internal Auditors issued
          Since I joined the profession of internal auditing nearly two   a CBOK report under the name of “Delivering on
          decades ago, I read books about the preparation of a risk based   the Promise - Measuring Internal Audit Value and Performance”.
          internal audit plan, the advantages of this approach, its importance   The report addressed the concept of adding value. The results
          and practical applications, but I was always asking is this the right   of the report shows that (9) activities were adding value to the
          way to build the plan? ... Is there a better way. Also, I always asking   organization. The most value to the organization came from
          myself the following question While the internal audit definition   “assuring on the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control
          determines the objective of the internal audit is to add value to   system”. The second most value was “Recommending business
          the organization and improve its operations, why the internal   improvement” which is unusual for internal audit because internal
          audit plan is based on risk?!!, So the plan must being prepared   audit consideration usually limited to a control perspective only.
          based on adding value rather than being built on risk ??!
                                                            Evolution of internal audit maturity
          In June 1999, internal auditing definition was changed, where the
          term “add value” was introduced for the first time and the internal   Over the decades, the internal audit profession and the process of
          audit objective was set to “add value and improve an organization’s   preparing the plan have evolved. The maturity of the audit plan
          operations.” Since then, the definition has not changed and we   process has been directly linked to the audit methodology and
          have not seen any books or articles talking about preparing of an   approach followed. The following is a simple analysis of these
          audit plan based on value addition. In this article, I will introduce   phases:
          my thoughts on the importance of preparing an audit plan based   *  Initial Audit Phase - Inspection: Auditing practices at this
          on adding value and moving away from the traditional method of   phase are characterize by direct reliance on simple auditing
          preparing the plan or as it is said “think outside the box”.  practices aimed to ensure compliance with the criteria set
                                                               without looking further. The audit plan at this phase very
                                                               simple, depend on the size of the company’s activities and
          Added-Value Concept                                  covered all organization’s activities. At this phase, the internal
                                                               audit ability to influence the company is very limited.
          Internal auditing standards defined “add value” as the following
          “The internal audit activity adds value to the organization (and its   *  Mature Audit Phase - Process based Audit: Audit practices at
          stakeholders) when it provides objective and relevant assurance,   this phase are characterize by direct audit of process design;
          and contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of governance,   and ensure the adequacy and effectiveness of controls. The
          risk management, and control processes”. The concept of adding   audit plan at this phase is simple, depends on the volume of
          value is not limited to internal auditing, the basis of successful   operations and includes comprehensive operational coverage.
          business management models are built on companies need to   The internal audit ability to influence the company is limited
          achieve added value to their products and services in order to   to operations only.
          ensure that it will achieving customer satisfaction and achieving   *  Developed Audit Phase - Risk Based Audit: The audit practices
          greater returns.                                     at this phase provide assurance about the effectiveness of risk

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