Page 28 - Internal Auditor M.E. (English) - June 2018
P. 28

audit committee

          By: Alaa Abdulaziz Abunabah
         Working intelligently, not effortlessly,

         in the Internal Audit profession

         After I started working in the internal
         audit profession, I realized how difficult it
         is (“the profession of trouble” as Dr. Gamal
         Mohamed Shehat coined it), I also realized
         the great resistance  of most departments
         that are being audited and not accept many
         of the internal audit’s observations and
         recommendations, although they seek to
         improve the work. This is due to a number
         of reasons, including those related to the
         work  environment  and  the  culture  of  the
         organization, or related to the nature of the
         auditee, or the auditor, but primarily the
         main reasons are the lack of independence
         of the internal audit department and poor
         productivity. No doubt, organizations
         (public, private and not-for-profit) are in
         need to large-scale audits, overstepping
         the normal auditing procedures , and often
         without additional resources for internal
         audit departments. Over time, I understood
         most of those reasons and started working   I. Within the Internal Audit Department:  II. During audit planning :
         hard to minimize their causes and effects.
         Despite these difficulties, IIA’s Internal   Audit department should:  Many people think that the most important
         Audit Standards and other, mandatory                                step in internal auditing is execution, yet
         and  non-mandatory,  components  of  1)  Develop internal auditors  skills in   research  and experiments have  proven
         the International Professional Practices   scheduling priorities and optimizing   otherwise because of the long and difficult
         Framework (IPPF) have emphasized the   time management .            process that precedes the execution of an
         need of internal auditors to maintain   2)  Adopt the best solutions “archiving   audit tasks. The most important step in the
         their  objectivity  and  to  work  efficiently.   and  management  of  records  audit process is planning. Many studies and
         Efficiency in the internal audit profession,   electronically”, as it increases the speed   management leaders have pointed out that
         which is originally an administrative term,   of storage and retrieval of information   for every hour spent planning, we save four
         means the ability to optimize the use   and documents, and reduces the risk   hours in execution. Planning is not a waste
         of available resources or the energy the   of storage and archiving manually   of time, so an internal audit tasks relies
         auditors  have  to  achieve  the  objectives.   and enables the retention of multiple   heavily on sound planning, starting from
         In this article, I will touch upon a set of   versions. In this context, the Head   proper identification of an Audit Universe,
         recommendations that will help to achieve   of an Internal Audit department   then preparing the risk-based strategic and
         the expected efficiency of the Internal   must be keen to develop the skills of   annual plan (Threats and Opportunities),
         Audit department by using as few resources   auditors in the field of documentation   then ending with preparing detailed audit
         and inputs as possible to produce as many   &  indexing,  and  in  dealing  with  the   programs.  Among  the  steps  I  recommend
         desired outputs and outcomes as possible.  software and their uses in the field of
                                               preservation, retrieval, management   in this context are the following:
                                               and circulation of documents.
         Tips for raising efficiency         3)  Adopting the Clean Desk Policy. From   1)  Greater  effort  in  selecting  the  audit
                                                                                tasks, particularly in consultancy, and
         Apart from investing in audit management   my personal experience, I can say that   taking into account the avoidance of
         systems, data extraction and analysis   there is a positive correlation between   the most significant risks associated
         tools, which I think are highly rewarding,   an organized office and productivity,   with this type of tasks. As the increase
         I recommend the following, which do not   under the condition of the auditor’s   in risks may adversely affect the level
         require many resources:               desire to complete his/her work.  and magnitude of the assurances

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