Page 30 - Internal Auditor M.E. (English) - June 2018
P. 30

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          By: Aysha Rashed AlHamrani AlShamsi
         Modifying the Job Satisfaction

         System in Organization.

         IIA defines corporate governance as   it is only through that  the organization
         “policies, processes and structures used   will be able to increase their profit. The
         by an organization to direct and control   European mechanism of corporate
         its activities to achieve its objective and   governance indicates the relevance of
         to protect the interests of its diverse   corporate governance with the employee’s
         stakeholder groups in a manner consistent   satisfaction and states that employee
         with appropriate ethical standards”. The   welfare should be considered in the ‘best
         determinant key for any business success is   interest of the company’. Establishing code
         the corporate governance and employee’s   of conduct, compensation system and
         satisfaction. This methodology will be   accountability framework of all employees
         explained in detail in this article. First, I   including executive managers and board of
         would like to indicate the importance of an   directors, authority for making decisions,
         effective corporate governance structure.   transparency of policies and procedures
                                           in the organization are all important to
         Having an effective corporate governance   gain or increase the employee’s satisfaction
         will build a strong and profitable   in the organization. This will in return
         organization that will stay in business for   increase the image and reputation and
         long-term. Most organizations are just   productivity of the organization which
         establishing corporate governance policies   will in turn result in higher profit in the
         and principles to state that they are having   industry. Head of departments should
         governance in their organization. Other   engage and allow employees to give their
         organizations are applying the governance   opinions in the policies and procedures
         framework system, but not in a correct   of the department since they are the ones
         manner.                           who have indepth knowledge of the risks
         Stakeholders and investors are concerned   and opportunities related to their work..
         about their expected returns or dividend   Moreover, transparency in management
         payment in the long-run,If the board   decision making and the reasons behind
         of directors are not able to appoint an   it will ensure acceptance of decisions by
         executive manager who will increase the   employees.
         company’s profit on yearly basis, there
         will be two options ;either changing the   Finally, focusing on satisfying the
         board of directors or change the executive   employees inside the organization by
         manager in the organization. This frequent   issuing a transparent policy and procedure,
         turnover of board of directors and CEO   effective accountability and compensation
         will gain/increase the organizational profit   framework will lead to an effective
         but only in the short-run. Unfortunately,   corporate governance of the organization
         the stakeholders, board of directors and   which in return will increase the profit and
         executive managers are not focusing
         really on the main cause or reason for the   return to the stakeholders and investors
         company’s lower profit. The real reason is   without the need to change or turnover the
         employee dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction   executive managers or board of directors
         is the reason why the organization is not   on frequent basis.
         able to gain profit in the long-run, but only
         in the short-run. All sectors should take   Aysha Rashed AlHamrani AlShamsi
         into consideration how to build a strong   internal auditor in ajman Tourism Development
         and effective job satisfaction system as   Department

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