Page 29 - Internal Auditor M.E. (English) - June 2018
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             required by the stakeholders of an   maximize efficiency and effectiveness   an external consultancy provider if
             organization. (At the same time,   to ensure necessary business coverage.   possible, after a cost-benefit analysis.
             refraining from providing advisory   The same advisory guide referred   5)  Ask staff to provide a daily report of
             services will deny the organization   to another way to coordinate an   tasks performed, as this will improve
             utilizing the Internal Audit team’s   assurance processes, namely by using
             benefits such as scientific knowledge,   a Combined Assurance Model, where   their awareness of self-assessment.
             practical experience and skills’ that   internal auditors coordinate assurance   6)   Think Continuously about the “Added
             may not be available to members of   activities  with  the  departments  Value” of the report and Adopt a very
             executive management and other    performing Second Line of defense   important principle which is “The
             staff).                           functions (according to the  “Three   number of observations is not an
                                               lines of Defense Model” by the IIA),   indicator of productivity”. Therefore,
           2)  Coordinate with external controls (i.e.   such as compliance management. All   it is preferable to avoid wasting time
             an external auditor) and other internal   this in order to minimize the nature   and effort on non-important notes,
             control departments (if any) to avoid   and repetitiveness of  internal  audit   especially the ones addressed during
             the occurrence of the so-called   tasks.                            the audit task. It is also advisable for
             “Assurance Stress” or “Audit Stress”                                the team leader to keep an eye on the
             by these departments.  This occurs   3)  Improve the formulation of audit tasks   audit team’s observations, to approve
             when different assurance activities –   objectives that greatly assist internal   or drop as necessary, as this helps to
             independent and non-independent   auditors in identifying the actions   complete the work as efficiently as
             are not coordinated (such as internal   taken and prioritizing high-risk   possible.
             audit departments, compliance, risk   actions.
             management, security, safety, quality,   4)  Prior to determining the initial   IV. Report audit results:
             etc.) and do not cooperate sufficiently,   requirements  for  an  audit  task,   I recommend the following when reporting
             which may lead to a duplication                                 the results of audit tasks:
             of effort and failure to ensure the   a  meeting  with  the  auditee’s
             necessary and expected coverage   management is preferred. To discuss   1)  write all non-critical notes under the
             of such departments. Therefore,   these requirements and clarify their   heading “Other Notes”. This way, a
             the Head of an Internal Audit     relevance  to  the  objectives and   lot of time is saved in the formulation
             Department must share information   scope of task in case there is a lack   of  full-featured  notes  (Criteria,
             and coordinate activities with internal   of management’s conviction and for   Condition, Cause, and Corrective
             and external assurance and advisory   early identification of any constraints   Action).
             service providers, to ensure  the   in providing them, and working   2)  Develop  auditors’  abilities  to
             necessary process is completed and   to overcome them or finding the   understand the work and activities
             avoid duplication of effort. Standard   appropriate alternative.    they  are auditing, develop analytical
             2050 referred to the need for the                                   skills and logical conclusions, and
             Chief Audit Executive (CAE) to   III. During execution of audit tasks:  develop  their  skills in  discussion
             perform this process of preparing the   I recommend the following during the   and persuasion, especially when the
             Internal Audit plan. In addition, the   execution of the audit tasks (fieldwork) are:  employees of the audited activity are
             Standard’s advisory guide indicates                                 not convinced of the importance of
             a way to coordinate the coverage   1)  Focus on the most important goals   observations and recommendations.
             required for the assurance task: which   and benefits from the Pareto Principle
             is to develop an  Assurance Map.   (80% of the results achieved by 20% of   3)  Do  not  repeat  observations  of  other
             By linking the identified large Risk   effort).                     internal control departments and only
             Categories and relevant Assurance   2)  Develop internal auditors’  skills in   refer to them in case they reappear
             sources, then assessing the level of   using computer applications used by   and/or have not been addressed.
             assurances available for each category   audit clients, and rely on their skills to   We achieve efficiency –and therefore,
             of  Risk since the comprehensiveness   extract the data and reports needed in   effortlessness- when there is planning,
             of this  Map can show deficiencies   the fieldwork.             organization,  and  management  of
             and overlaps in coverage of assurance                           time, resources, control and follow-up.
             tasks, enabling the CAE to assess   3)  Distribute audit tasks so that each   Productivity is not just how hard work is
             assurance  services  in  each  Risk  area.   audit team has two tasks at the same   done, rather, it is how smart done.
             The results of this assessment are   time (one large, comprehensive, one
             then  discussed with  other  assurance   smaller), and distribute work-hours   Ala’ Abdelaziz Abu Naba’a
             providers so that an agreement is   among them, in order to best exploit   cPa, cia, crMa, cicP, Macc
             reached between the parties on how   the time of the internal auditors.  Head of audit and corporate excellence at
             to coordinate activities that would   4)  Assign audit tasks that consume   iFa international Financial consulting
             avoid  duplication  of  efforts  and   most  of  management  resources  to   Group - Kuwait

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