Page 178 - CRS Engineering
P. 178

Proforma for Joint Inspection on R. A. T.

                                              For the Year 2020-21
             SI                 Description                                        Remarks
              I General Particulars of RAT
              1 Name of the tank                              Kumchamgunta(Diguva)Tank
             2 District                                       Chittoor District

              3 Nanae of the Village and Manda!               Pedda Anjimedu Village, Yerpedu Mandal
             4 Latitude & Longitude                           Lat 13° - 40' -45" Long 79° - 35' -07"
              5 Affected Railway Bridge and Km                Bridge No:-89, Location 64/ 24 - 26
             6 Railway section in between stations            Yearpedu - Rachagunneri
              7 Distance from Railway Bridge to weir
                                                              2.00 KMs from the Railway line to the tank
                ( Along the Course of Nallah )
            II Standard Hydraulic Details
              1 Catchment Area                                3.20 sqkm
              2 Capacity of the tank                          35.45 M.C.F.T
              3 Lowest Bed Level                              + 98.25M
             4 Full Tank Level ( F.T.L )                      +100.00M
             5 Maxim Water Level ( M.W.L )                    + 100.60M
             6 Danger Level ( D.L )                           + 100.90M
             7 Top of Bund Level ( T.B.L )                    + 102.10M
             8 Top Width of the Bund                          3.00M ( Present Top Width )
             9 Side Slopes                                    AT FRONT:- 1 ¥2 : 1 , AT REAR :- 2:1
            10 Area of Submergence at FTL                     13.90 Sq km
            11 Area of Submergence at MWL                     15.80Sq km
            12 Are there any tanks in the Catchment of                                NO
            13 Are these tanks also classified as RATs                                 -
            14 Names and details of these tanks                                        -
           III Surplus Weir                                                            -
             1 Number of Surplus Weirs                        ONE NUMBER ONLY( 1 NO Only)
             2 Lengths of Surplus Weir                        20.00M.
             3 Type of Surplus Weir                           B.C WEIR
             4 Design Discharge                              35.40 Cusecs
            IV Sluices
             1 Number of Sluices                             ONE NUMBER ONLY (INO Only)
             2 Location of Sluices                           AT 570 M.
             3 Maximum designed discharge                    2.30 Cusecs
             4 Functional or not                             FUNCTIONAL
             V A) Inspection details
               i)Date of Inspection                                             ^B-02-2020
               ii)Name& Designation of the Inspection                     1) Sri. C. Willson Babu,
                                                                        Assistant Divisional Engineer,
                                                                            South Central Railway
                                                                  2) Sri. C.Adinarayana Naidu, B.Tech.,
                                                                         Deputy Executive Engineer,
                                                                           Irrigation Sub Division

                                                                           3) Sri. K. Harikrishna
                                                                            Assistant Engineer,
                                                                              Irrigation Section
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