Page 249 - CRS Engineering
P. 249

Annexure 11        ^r.-rc

              Ism  Generarpartla^re of                         ^KOMATIVANICHERUVU
                 1 Name of the tank  _ . -  - -                 'chittoor
                 2 Tank Code       --
                                                                mnna bandapalli (v)PUTTHALAPATTy (m)
                 3  District
                 4 Name of viliag^& Mandal                     Ti3° 18' 30" &791051^0:
                                                               ~^KM bridge no..598
                                                                '^E PW CTO PTT-PAIL
                                                                I  1.75KM

                  H                                 '"             J.89 Sq.Miles
                     Catchment^a                                   "l.61 M.Cft.
                     Capacity of^ Tank                            f- 96.86 M
                     •CowestBe^d^Level                            " 100.00M
                     Full Tankjx^ (F^L)  _                          100.06 M
                      Maximum water level (M ) —                  +
                     "Danger Lev^DL)                                102.10 M
                     ' Top of Bund LeveJ (T^                          3.00 M
                      Top width^f^yn?'    —                       .+jntl.5;l Rear 2:1
                   9  Side slo^^       ^
                   10 ^Area ofiubmergenciat?^
                  "11^ Area of submergence at MWL
                      Are thesejanks als^classifed aj RAi  -      ,^l No.
                       Names &Details of^hese tanks
                       Surplus weir  ^  - —                        1No
                       No. ofjujTlys^®''"—                         26M
                   •a'length^SP^'-^-                               NC weir
                                                                   Ni. men
                    3" Types^Wjus weirs_                           ^6.31 rft./Sec. or25.95 Cum/5ec_
                    4  Design Di^iiarg^
                    IV Sluice        —
                                                                   'CH85M                  -
                    1  No. ofSlito^
                       Location ofSluices   —
                        Maximurn Design Discharge                   functional     _  __
                        Functional^r^Not  _ _
                                                                    20-02-2020          —      ,cn            @1
                      ^A Ins^e^onJJeteiles
                                                                   'Sri D.S.Rajendra Prasad,  pp irrigation Section

                                                                    Sri V.Damu Raju, P.\Way,Chittoor.

                         B.TankBujid  _ ^                         ^ No
                         B.Tank Bujia

                        ^^iiO,Arethe^PJsjAg^^                        No
                       - liv) Anyi>angerou^^^^          '
                       ^ic. Surplus-                                 Damaged
                         li)Condtion                 Design Discharge  Yes
                         111) isWlength adquate for
                         'iii) Is Danger Level Marked .
                          D.Condition of ^e Sluices .      so, details
                          n rnnaraon u. u ,=             if so, oetans  _inu

                                                                      ^^^ithName&Designation ofIrrigationOff.cia.
                                                     . o^ a.
                          ^^^^i^N^i^Designation ofRailway          Exe^We Engin8«*
                                  I                             Irrigation Sectiorti
                                                                                              DEPUTYEXECUTiVE fcNGIf>^E5
                                                                                             IRRtGM. SUB-DlViN. G.D.NELLORE
                    -Tj  >^       C. Railway                                                           CHITTOOR.
                       n        •'-upati
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