Page 250 - CRS Engineering
P. 250

              fsJia                                             Nalladiyappa nayani cheruvu
                 I General particulars of RAT
                 1 Name of the tank                             CHa0038000PAK         _
                 2  TankCode      -                             ',Voddepaili (V) PuMa^pattuJIan^
                 3  District  _ - -- - --  -
                 .  NameofvillagejLMandjI                     ^13° 19' 03" & 79° 06' 22" _
                 5"LatitudejLLongitu^ _                          KM 46
                 fi Afficted Railway_^ge &LlS!^?——              ;SSE PW CTO PTT-PAK
                                                                 " '0 KM
                  n Sdard Hydraulic Details  ,             ^      106 Sq.Miles

                  1 Catchment Area                               131 Mcft
                  ^ CapaciWof_5!?J^-'^^—^                          " 308.170 M
                  5                                               +' 312.750 1^
                  4^ Full TankJ^eveKFnj                           + "313.350
                  5'        water le\^(M—)                  "
                      DangerJ-e^i_(2t)——                           314.850 M
                    '^Top of BundJ^veKTBLj                        ^OOM
                    "Top widthof^nd-                             ,  +  jnt 1.5:1  Rear 2:1
                      Side slopes    -     ^                      0.67M.Sq.feet 0.06 M.Sq^M
                      Area of submergence atFl L
                      Area of subnnergence at MWL                ';no
                          -       1 _  j-Urt /-afrhrr
                   13 Are theseja^als^class^e^^Ms .
                   H 'NamesS^Detailsofth^ejaito
                   III Surplus^weir           -                   INo.
                   ^r^ No. of surplus weirs  ^                     14.40M
                  -^r'^Length^fsurpl'JS weirs  -     -7            NC weir
                    3 Types of surplus weirs             ^         508.62 Cft./Sec. or 14.40 CUM/Sec
                       Design Dis^arge    .
                       Sluice     .              "
                       No. of Sluices  —  —       ^
                       Location ofSluices     — -
                       :r^xinHn-555!S"--5i5?!^       _             functioned
                      ^Functiona[oiJ;!ot_  _          ^
                    V^^InspecUon^Peteiles_                         20-02-2020            vF"Ysd     G.D.Nellore @1
                                                                   Sri D.S.Rajendra Prasad, Dy.E.t- '  Jrriqation Section

                                                                    Sri V.Damu Raju, P.Way,Chittoor.

                      ^B.TanjLiyn^                                  Yes


                         c. SurplusV^-             '                IDamaged
                        ji) Condtion
                        |)SlSn#5dq®or:D^^^^                          yes
                         ijii) Is Danger i.eyel Marked ?
                       — TD.Condition of the &uiMS_^
                                  _£ I.u« Cli liroc

                                                                             ,ith Name&Designation ofIrrigation Official

                                                                 Irrigation SectlQn,
                                                               Page13 of 21
                                                                                        DEPUTY EXECUTSVE ENGINEER
                              ^ C. Rai'way                                             [RRI6M SUB-DIVIN. G.D.NELLORE @
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